Pengaruh Pemberian Zinc pada Ibu Hamil kek Trimester III terhadap kadar zinc dan dan retinol serum saat nifas di Kab. Bojonegoro

D.A. Liona, Dewi and Bambang, Wirjatmadi and Merrlrana, Adriani (2013) Pengaruh Pemberian Zinc pada Ibu Hamil kek Trimester III terhadap kadar zinc dan dan retinol serum saat nifas di Kab. Bojonegoro. Jurnal Widya Medika, 1 (1). pp. 11-32. ISSN 2338-0373

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Zinc defrciency in pregnant women has been associated with various conditions in babies bom, such as low birth weight infant. Effect of zinc supplementation in pregnant women may increase serum levels of zinc and high doses vitamin A supplementation may increase the serum retinol levels. The aims of this study to examine the effect of zinc supplementation in pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency in the third trimester of pregnancy on levels of serum zinc and retinol after childbirth. The population were all pregnant women in the third trimester in study sites.There were 32 pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency based on criteria upper arm circumference < 23,5 cm. Data were collected through questionnaire, food recall,food frequency questionnaire, anthropometry, blood sampling, and laboratory tests. Samples were taken from the population based on inclusion criteria. They were then placed into 2 groups using random allocation. The results of this study found that there were significant differences in levels of serum zinc p:0,000 < cr (0,05) and no significant differences in levels of serum retinol (p:0,624 > c (0,05) in the treatment group. Serum zinc levels increased, but decreased serum retinol levels after supplementation. Conclusions: zinc supplementation can increase serum zinc levels but needed adequate protein intake for increasing serum retinol levels.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: zinc supplementation, serum zinc, serum retinol.
Subjects: R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology > RM300-666 Drugs and their actions
Divisions: 10. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat > Gizi Kesehatan
Bambang, WirjatmadiUNSPECIFIED
Merrlrana, AdrianiUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Tn Chusnul Chuluq
Date Deposited: 04 May 2017 20:20
Last Modified: 04 May 2017 20:20
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