Selenium Intake in Hypertensive and Normotensive Post-Menopausal Indonesian Women

Merryana, Adriani and Vella I. P., Diarry and Rizky, Abdulah and Bambang, Wirjatmadi (2015) Selenium Intake in Hypertensive and Normotensive Post-Menopausal Indonesian Women. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 61 (4). pp. 322-325. ISSN 1881-7742

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The Indonesian Ministry of Health has predicted that the national preva-lence of hypertension in Indonesia may reach 26.5% in 2013. Increasing age, stress, lack of physical activity, obesity and passive smoking are known to be risk factors of hyperten-sion. In women over 50 y, hormonal changes that occur post-menopause may also increase the risk of hypertension and other vascular diseases. Antioxidant precursors, such as sele-nium, however, are known to provide protection against the development of several oxida-tive stress-related diseases, including hypertension. To prove the hypothesis, we compared the levels of consumption of selenium in hypertensive and normotensive post-menopausal women. An observational comparative study with cross-sectional design was conducted in groups of post-menopausal women with hypertension and those who are normotensive. Structured interviews and food recall of 2324 h were used to determine the level of con- sumption, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) questionnaire was used to measure the level of stress. The result suggests a significant difference in the levels of sele-nium intake between the normotensive and hypertensive groups (p50.008). Furthermore,the passive smoking and stress levels of the hypertensive group were significantly higher than those of the normotensive group. These result support the hypothesis that selenium may play a protective role in vascular disease.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: selenium, hypertension, antioxidant, vascular disease, menopause
Subjects: R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA1-1270 Public aspects of medicine > RA421-790.95 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive medicine > RA643-645 Disease (Communicable and noninfectious) and public health
Divisions: 10. Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat > Gizi Kesehatan
Merryana, AdrianiUNSPECIFIED
Vella I. P., DiarryUNSPECIFIED
Bambang, WirjatmadiUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Tn Chusnul Chuluq
Date Deposited: 04 May 2017 23:09
Last Modified: 04 May 2017 23:09
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