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Astari Puteri, - and Gwenny Ichsan Prabowo, - and Marjono Dwi Wibowo, Marjono and Willy Sandhika, - and Retno Handajani, - (2022) Association Analysis of TP53 Mutations in Codon R175 And G245 With Histopathological Grading Outcomes in OSCC Patients. International Journal of Scientific Advances, 3 (3). ISSN '2708-7972
Asti Meizarini, - and Aryati Aryati, - and Devi Rianti, - and Wibi Riawan, - and Astari Puteri, - (2020) Effectivity of zinc oxide-turmeric extract dressing in stimulating the reepithelization phase of wound healing. Veterinary World. ISSN 2231-0916