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Evy Ervianti, - and Damayanti, - and Indah Purnamasari, - and Linda Astari, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Pepy Dwi Endraswari, - and Budi Utomo, - and Endang Wahyu Fitriani, - and Diah Mira Indramaya, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2023) Comparison of tea tree oil 5%, tea tree oil 10%, and nystatin inhibition zones against vaginal Candida isolates in pregnancy. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 17 (3). pp. 353-358. ISSN 2036-6590
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and Ghina Shabrina Awanis, - and Aini Azizah, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and Hardyanto Soebono, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2021) COMPARING SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF MOTHER AND CHILDREN WITH LEPROSY IN ENDEMIC AND NON-ENDEMIC AREAS IN EAST JAVA, INDONESIA. African Journal of Infectious Disease, 15 (2). pp. 52-58. ISSN 20060165
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and Ghina Shabrina Awanis, - and Aini Azizah, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and Hardyanto Soebono, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2021) COMPARING SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF MOTHER AND CHILDREN WITH LEPROSY IN ENDEMIC AND NON-ENDEMIC AREAS IN EAST JAVA, INDONESIA. African Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 (2). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2006-0165
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and Ghina Shabrina Awanis, - and Aini Azizah, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and Hardyanto Soebono, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2021) COMPARING SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF MOTHER AND CHILDREN WITH LEPROSY IN ENDEMIC AND NON-ENDEMIC AREAS IN EAST JAVA, INDONESIA. The African Journal of Infectious Diseases (AJID), 15 (2). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2006-0165
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and Faradiba Maharani, - and Munawaroh Fitriah, - and Jusak Nugraha, - and Hardyanto Soebono, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2021) Comparison of IL-17 and FOXP3+ Levels in Maternal and Children Leprosy Patients in Endemic and Nonendemic Areas. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 2021. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1687-7098
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and DI Haerani, - and UD Ratnaasri, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and H. Soebono, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and M. Yulianto Listiawan and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2021) Correlation between Leprosy Children with Nutritional Status, Personal Hygiene, BCG Vaccination History and Occupancy Density in Gresik Regency. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (1). pp. 574-578. ISSN 0976-2779
F R S Prakoeswa, - and D I Haerani, - and U D Ratnaasri, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and H Soebono, - and D Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and M Y Listiawan, - and A Endaryanto and C R S Prakoeswa, - (2021) Correlation between Leprosy Children with Nutritional Status, Personal Hygiene, BCG Vaccination History and Occupancy Density in Gresik Regency. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12 (1). pp. 574-578. ISSN 0976-2779
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and Yohanes Aditya Adhi Satria, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2021) Nutritional Status and Blood Profile amongst Patient withChildand Maternal Leprosy in Endemic and Non-Endemic Area of Indonesia. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 3010-3017. ISSN 0973-9130
Dewi Setyowati, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Dominicus Husada, - (2019) Differences in Growth of Children with Autism and Normal in Surabaya, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (7). pp. 900-903. ISSN 0976-5506
Flora Ramona Sigit Prakoeswa, - and Faradiba Maharani, - and Munawaroh Fitriah, - and Jusak Nugraha, - and Hardyanto Soebono, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Santi Martini, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Hari Basuki Notobroto, - and Muhammad Yulianto Listiawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, - (2019) Comparison of IL-17 and FOXP3+ Levels in Maternal and Children Leprosy Patients in Endemic and Nonendemic Areas. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 2021. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1687-7098
Dian Nirmala Aprilia, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Sulistiawati, - (2018) Correlation Between Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women Based on Upper Arm Circumference and Preeclampsia/Eclampsia Severity Degree at Jagir Public Health Center During January 2014 – March 2014. BIOMOLECULAR AND HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNAL, 1 (2). pp. 120-123. ISSN 2620-8636
Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Jatmiko Rachmat, - and Nurya Viandika, - and Hilkatul Ilmi, - and Lidya Tumewu, - and Budi Prasetyo, - (2018) Effect of Andrographis paniculata tablet (AS201-01) on Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β) expression and parasite inhibition in mice placenta infected with Plasmodium berghei. Bali Medical Journal, 7 (1). pp. 210-214. ISSN 2302-2914
Budi Prasetyo, - and Diantri Nari Ratih, - and Yustinasari, - and Hilkatul Ilmi, - and Lidya Tumewu, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - (2018) Treated Plasmodium berghei infected pregnant mice by Andrographis paniculata tablet (AS201-01) decreasing the TLR-4 expression and apoptosis index of placental tissue. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 8 (4). pp. 105-108. ISSN 2231-3354
Nina Hidayatunnikmah, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Budi Prasetyo, - (2018) The Influence of Maternal Nutrition Consumption Level During Breastfeeding on Breast Milk Macronutrient Component and Infant’s Weight. Health Notions, 2 (1). pp. 121-128. ISSN 2580-4936
Kasyafiya Jayanti, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Djazuly Chalidyanto, - (2018) ANALYSIS OF HEALTH SERVICE PROVIDERS INFLUENCE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PREECLAMPSIA SCREENING PROGRAM AT PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN GRESIK REGENCY OF INDONESIA. International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, 5 (5). pp. 68-80. ISSN 2289-7577
Budi Prasetyo, - and Siti Aminah, Dra and Owl Winny Astuti, - (2001) Model Negara Dan Implikasi Partisipasi Rakyat Dalam Otonomi Daerah (Studi Kasus Uu No. 22 Tahun 1999). Laporan Penelitian. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Ali Rohman and Faidur Rochman and Imam Siswanto and Budi Prasetyo, - and HAMAMI (1997) Pembuatan Kristal Kaca Dengan Logam Perak ( Ag) Sebagai Bahan Pengisi. Laporan Penelitian. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga. (Unpublished)
Roy Prasojo Wibowo, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, Widati and Ahmad Hadi Modi, - Correlation Between Early Age Pregnancy with Low Body Weight (LBW) Newborn at Universitas Airlangga Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. Biomolecular and Health Science, 5 (1). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2620-8636
Florentina Sustini, - and Lilik Djuari, Lilik and Djohar Nuswantoro, - and Azimatul Karimah, - and Subur Prajitno, - and Azwin Megindra Putra Lubis, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Margarita M. Maramis, - and Soedarsono, - and Laksmi Wulandari, - and Jongky Hendro Prajitno, - and Mamiek Dwi Putro, - and Budi Utomo, - Family Medicine. In: Family Medicine. Universitas Airlangga.
Ivon Diah Wittiarika, - and Agus Sulistyono, Agus and Budi Prasetyo, - and Lunardhi Susanto, - and Rize Budi Amalia, - and Erni Rosita Dewi, - Folic Acid Supplementation in Pregnant Mice: An Approach to reduce the Expression of TNF-A and Placental Apoptosis Index in Maternal Stress. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 15 (8). ISSN 09743618, 0974360X
Arief Alamsyah, - and Azimatul karimah, - and Andiani, - and Budi Prasetyo, - and Dewa Ayu L.D, - and Djohar Nuswantoro, - and Farida Rusnianah, - and Lilik Djuari, Lilik and Linda Dewanti, - and Margarita M. Maramis, - and Sri Umijati, - and Siti Pariani, - and Subur Prajitno, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Wienta Diarsvtri, - Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kesehatan "Panduan Keterampilan Klinis Kesehatan Masyarakat, Kedokteran Pencegahan dan Kedokteran Komunitas bagi Dokter di Fasililtas Kesehatan Tingkat Pratama. In: Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kesehatan "Panduan Keterampilan Klinis Kesehatan Masyarakat, Kedokteran Pencegahan dan Kedokteran Komunitas bagi Dokter di Fasililtas Kesehatan Tingkat Pratama. Universitas Airlangga.
Budi Prasetyo, - and Bambang Kurniadi, - and Inge Lunardi, - and Totok Adiarto, - and Imam Siswanto, - Pengukuran Kemampuan Daya Pembersihan Klerak Dibandingkan Dengan Sabun. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Surabaya. (Unpublished)