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Dion Krismashogi Dharmawan, NIM011514153018 and Viskasari P. Kalanjati, NIDN. 0020037604 and Abdurachman, NIDN. 0011096602 (2017) The Effect of an Aluminium Foil Shield on Reducing The Strength of Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Phones Reaching the Oculi of Adult Male Rats. In: Proceedings of The Surabaya International Physiology Seminar. SCITEPREES-Science and Technology Publications, Lda., Surabaya, pp. 67-70. ISBN 978-989-758-340-7
Abdurachman, NIDN. 0011096602 and Dion Krismashogi Dharmawan, NIM011514153018 and Irmawan Farinda, NIM011514153005 and Etha Rambung, NIM011514153016 (2016) Indahnya Seirama Kinesiologi Dalam Anatomi. Inteligensia Media. ISBN 978-602-6874-58-0