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Xavier Nugraha, - and Ave Maria Frisa Katherina, - and Patricia Inge Felany, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2021) Analisis Pemberian Pinjaman Langsung Sebagai Upaya Untuk Pembiayaan Infrastruktur Transportasi Darat di Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 10 (1). pp. 17-30. ISSN 2087-8591
Faizal Kurniawan, - and Xavier Nugraha, - and Ardhana Christian Noventri, - and Qona’aha Noor Maajid, - (2021) Auction Winner as a New Criteria in The Concept of Good Faith Buyen in Indonesia. Jambe Law Journal, 4 (2). pp. 171-190. ISSN 2598-7925
Bart Jansen, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Annida Putri, - and Tineke Lambooy, - (2021) A Post-Colonial Comparative Critical Legal Study of the Open Norm of Reasonableness and Fairness (or Good Faith) in Dutch and Indonesian Corporate Law. Internatonal and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, 1 (1). pp. 1388-7084. ISSN 1388-7084
Prawitra Thalib, - and Sri Hajati, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Komari Aldiansyah, - (2021) The Urgence Regulation Of Business Activities On Islamic Microfinance Institution According Law No. 1 Year 2013 Of Microfinance Institutions. Arena Hukum, 14 (2). pp. 207-221. ISSN 0126-0235
Marsella Tridarani, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2020) Differences Between Commercial Contracts And Consumer Contracts. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (3). pp. 1819-1827. ISSN 1567-214X
Khoirunnisa, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2020) National Interest As A Basis Of The Government Cooperation With Private Companies In Providing The Palapa Ring Infrastructure. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (3). pp. 2025-2033. ISSN 1567-214X
Illona Zerlinda, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2020) Legality Of Guarantee Ban Clause Within Build Operate Transfer Project By Local-Owned Enterprises. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (3). pp. 2013-2024. ISSN 1567-214X
Faizal Kurniawan, - and Erni Agustin, - and Rizky Amalia, - (2020) Acknowledgement of Unjust Enrichment to Achieve Corrective Justice in the Path of Indonesian Law of Obligations Reform. Proceedings of the International Law Conference (iN-LAC 2018), 4. pp. 396-404. ISSN 978-989-758-482-4
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Mohamad Nur Kholiq, - (2020) The Application of Quranic Interpretation, of Sunnah And Ijtihad As The Source Of Islamic Law. Rechtidee Jurnal Hukum, 15 (2). pp. 193-206. ISSN 1907-5790
Faizal Kurniawan, - and Xavier Nugraha, - and Luisa Srihandayani, - (2020) Implementing The undue influence Doctrine (Misbruik Van Omstandingheden) as a Reason for Annulment of Agreement in Indonesia : An Evolution of the Law Through Court Decisions. Talent Development & Excellence, 12 (1). pp. 3035-3047. ISSN 18869-0459
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - (2020) Islamic Law Principles in Islamic Business Activity. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (IJICC), 13 (5). pp. 378-387. ISSN 2201-1323
Suparto Wijoyo, - and Nurul Barizah, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Prawitra Thalib, - and Bagus Oktafian Abrianto, - and Xavier Nugraha, - and Sayyidatul Insiyah, - (2020) Legal Protection to Indonesian Dental Artisan: A Judicial Review Post-Constitutional Court Decision No. 40/PUU-X/2012. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7 (5). pp. 291-309. ISSN 2515-8260
VINCENTIUS GEGAP WIDYANTORO, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2020) Perkembangan Prinsip dan Tanggung Gugat dalam Kontrak Kerja Pekerjaan Konstruksi. Arena Hukum, 13 (1). pp. 157-180. ISSN 0126-0235
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Wahyu Aliansa, - and Atiqoh Farhah Maulani, - (2020) Post-Mining Reclamation as An Environmental Policy: A Gold Mining Case Study. Jurnal Halu Oleo Law Review, 4 (2). pp. 208-218. ISSN 2548-1762
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Wahyu Aliansa, - and Atiqoh Farhah Maulani, - (2020) Post-Mining Reclamation as An Environmental Policy: A Gold Mining Case Study. Jurnal Halu Oleo Law Review, 4 (2). pp. 208-218. ISSN 2548-1762
Faizal Kurniawan, - and Xavier Nugraha, - and Gio Arjuna Putra, - and Vicko Taniady, - and Bart Jansen, - (2020) The Principle of Balance Formulation as the Basis for Camcellation of Agreement : An Effort to Create Equitable Law in Indonesia. Lex Scientia Law Review, 6 (1). pp. 121-156. ISSN 2598-9677
Faizal Kurniawan, - and Xavier Nugraha, - and Bagus Oktafian Abrianto, - and Syifa RamadhantI, - (2020) The Right To Access Banking Data In a Claim For A Divisio Of Combined Assets That Is Filed Separately From A Divorce Claim. Yustisia Jurnal Hukum, 9 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 0852-0941
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - and Wahyu Aliansa, - (2020) Role Model of Legal Support for Implementation of a Smart City in Indonesia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14 (2). pp. 256-262. ISSN 2201-1323
Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - and Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Rizky Amalia, - (2020) Urgency of Liability Insurance against Environmental Damage, Impact of Development and Use of Advanced Technology. Test Engineering and Management, 83. pp. 559-568. ISSN 0193-4120
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - (2019) The Function of Deposits Insurances Institutions to Create a Solid Banking System For The Sake Of Continuity of Infrastructure Development in Indonesia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (IJICC), 5 (2). pp. 390-396. ISSN 2201-1323
Prawitra Thalib, - and Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2018) The Function of Sharia Supervisory Board in Financing Practices by Sharia Bank in Indonesia. Business Management Studies: An International Journal (BMIJ), 6 (4). pp. 1071-1080. ISSN 2148-2586
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2018) Fungsi Lembaga Penjaminan Simpanan Dalam Membangun Sistem Perbankan Yang Solid Demi Kelangsungan Pembangunan Infrastruktur di Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur & Fasilitas, 2. pp. 19-22. ISSN 2615-1847
Prawitra Thalib, - and Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - (2017) Applying the Principle of Insurance on the Indonesia Life Insurance in the Consumer Lending. Rechtsidee, 4 (1). ISSN 2443-3497
Faizal Kurniawan, - and Xavier Nugraha, - and Ave Maria Frisa Katherina, - and Erni Agustin, - (2020) The Involvement of Soes in Procurement of Goods or Services in Indonesia: Is It Ethical? International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (8). pp. 1287-1298. ISSN 1475-7192
Erni Agustin, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Rizky Amalia, - (2018) Legal Protection for Children as a Result of Transnational Marriage Dissolution in Indonesian Marriage Law. Proceedings of the International Law Conference - i-NLAC, 1. pp. 263-267. ISSN 978-989-758-482-4
Yohanes Sogar Simamora, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Rizky Amalia, - and Xavier Nugraha, - (2021) Kontrak Pemerintah : Karakteristik Kontrak Pemerintah dan Problematika Penegakan Hukumnya. In: Kontrak Pemerintah : Karakteristik Kontrak Pemerintah dan Problematika Penegakan Hukumnya. Kencana Prenadamedia Group. ISBN 978-623-959-1
Prawitra Thalib, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Erni Agustin, - and Rizki Amalia, - (2017) Elaborating Appropriate Models of the Sustainable Financing Instrument in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) In Infrastructure Projects. In: IPTEK, Journal of Proceedings. Simposium I Jaringan Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pembangunan Infrastruktur Indonesia 2016 . IPTEK, Journal of Proceedings, Surabaya, pp. 255-261. ISBN 235-6026
Prawitra Thalib, - and Hilda Yunita Sabrie, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Erni Agustin, - (2017) Hisbah (Supervision) Application in Determining of Standarize Stadard Akad Modes on Islamic Financial Institution in Indonesia. In: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR). International Conference on Law, Governance and Globalization 2017 (ICLGG 2017),, 131 (220). Atlantis Press, The Netherlands, pp. 220-227. ISBN 978-94-6252-567-2,
Y. Sogar Simarnora, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Erni Agustin, - (2018) Formulasi Model Kontrak Public Private Partnership Antara Pemerintah Dengan Badan Usara Asing Berdasarkan Prinsip Hukum Perdata Internasional Untuk Menjamin Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Indonesia. Laporan Penelitian. FAKULTAS HUKUM. (Unpublished)
Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas, - and Faizal Kurniawan, - and Farihana Abdul Razak, - (2021) Introduction To Commercial Law : in Comparative Perspective Indonesia and Malaysia. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-473-768-9