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Agung Saprasetya Dwi, Laksana and Harianto Notopuro, - and Arifa Mustika, Arifa (2022) Ameliorative Effects of Moringa (Moringa Oleifera Lam.) Leaves Extract on Lead-Induced Oxidative Stress, Hepcidin and δ-Alad Levels in Rat's Blood. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (6). pp. 856-861. ISSN 0975-3575
Varidianto Yudo, - and Widjiati, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Yulianto Listiawan, '- and Budi Utomo, - and Purwo Sri Rejeki, - and Prawesty Diah Utami, - and Aryati, - (2022) Effects of Golden Sea Cucumber Extract (Stichopus hermanni) on Hyphae, Neutrophils and TNF-α in BALB/c Mice Inoculated with C. albicans Intravaginally. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (4). pp. 278-285. ISSN 0975-3575
Aryati, - and Dody Taruna, - and Harianto Notopuro, - (2022) Effects of High Intensity Swimming on Heat Shock Protein 70, Superoxide Dismutase and Malondialdehyde of Rattus norvegicus Male Rats. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (3). pp. 524-530. ISSN 0975-3575
Dody Taruna, - and Bambang Purwanto, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Widjiati, - and Budi Utomo, - and Lilik Herawati, - and Reny I'tishom, - and Aryati, - (2022) Effects of High Intensity Swimming on Heat Shock Protein 70, Superoxide Dismutase and Malondialdehyde of Rattus norvegicus Male Rats. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (3). pp. 524-530. ISSN 0975-3575
Widiana Ferriastuti, - and Aryati, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Anggraini D. Sensusiati, - and Paulus Sugianto, - and Anita Widyoningroem, - (2022) The Role of ApOE, PSEN1, And Tnf-α as Predictor of COVID-19 Severity Evaluated Using Serial Thorax Radiograph. Hunan Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 48 (6). pp. 206-211. ISSN 1674-2974
Mala Kurniati, - and Agung Sosiawan, - and RM. Coen Pramono, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Indah Nuraini, - and Qurrota A’yun, - (2021) BMP4 SNP Rs17563 T>C Gene Polymorphism on Non-Syndromic Cleft Lip/Palate in an Indonesian Population. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 14 (2). pp. 595-599. ISSN 1309-100X
Siti Khaerunnisa, - and Irmi Syafa'ah, - and Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu, - and Gwenny Ichsan Prabowo, - and Retno Handajani, - and Indri Safitri Mukono, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Ema Qurnianingsih, - and Lina Lukitasari, - and Ira Humairah, - and Arief Bakhtiar, - and Suwandito, - and Susi Wahyuning Asih, - and Zuhrotul Eka Yulis Anggraeni, - and Ginanjar Sasmito Adi, - and Ely Rahmatika Nugrahani, - and Ayesie Natasha Zulka, - and Soetjipto, - (2021) The Improvement of Community Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices After COVID-19 Socialization. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 57 (2). pp. 6-14. ISSN 2355-8393
Sulistiawati, - and SUHARTO, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Abyan Irzaldi, - and Adikara Pagan Pratama, - (2020) Analysis of Dengue Infection Severity among Ethnics in Surabaya, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 11 (6). pp. 1510-1516. ISSN 0976-5506
Paulus Budiono Notopuro and Jusak Nugraha, - and Budi Utomo and Harianto Notopuro, - (2020) The Association of FLT3-ITD Gene Mutation with Bone Marrow Blast Cell Count, CD34, Cyclin D1, Bcl-xL and hENT1 Expression in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, 15 (4). pp. 306-312. ISSN 2345-3656
Paulus Budiono Notopuro and Jusak Nugraha, - and Harianto Notopuro, - (2020) Detection of FLT3 Gene Mutations In Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia In Surabaya, Indonesia: A Single-Center Study. Iranian Journal of Blood & Cancer, 12 (2). pp. 54-57.
Pratiwi Soesilawati, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Muhammad Alwino Bayu Firdauzy, - and Inara Putri Prahandita, - (2020) Examining Caries Risk With the Caracteristic of HLA-DRB1 Gene. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sceinces, 16. pp. 67-70. ISSN 16758544
Pratiwi Soesilawati, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Yuliati, - and Maretaningtias Dwi Ariani, - and Muhammad Alwino Bayu Firdauzy, - (2019) The role of salivary sIgA as protection for dental caries activity in Indonesian children. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry, 11. pp. 291-295. ISSN 1179-1357
Pratiwi Soesilawati, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Istiati Soehardjo, - and Afaf Baktir, - (2011) Peran TGF- 1 sebagai Regulator Switching Isotype sekresi sIgA Saliva. Jurnal Biosains Pascasarjana Univ Airlangga, 13 (3). pp. 137-141. ISSN 1412-1433
Endy Novryan Ridwan, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Harianto Notopuro, - The Effect of Cigarette Smoke Exposure in the Fetal Growth and Fetal Development of Mice (Mus musculus). Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 11 (1). pp. 13-17. ISSN 19073623
Jusak Nugraha, - and Joewono Soeroso, - and Harianto Notopuro, - and Retno Handajani, - and Nyoman Kertia, - and Gondo Mastutik, Gondo and Windhu Purnomo, - (2023) Keabsahan Menguji Dr. Gondo Mastutik. Universitas Airlangga.
David S Perdanakusuma, David and Harianto Notopuro, - and Indri Safitri Mukono, - and Ida Bagus Narmada, - and Iswinarno Doso Saputro, Iswinarno and Gondo Mastutik, Gondo and Viskasari P. Kalanjati, Viskasari and I Ketut Sudiana, I Ketut and Hendy Hendarto, - (2023) Keabsahan Menyanggah Dr. Gondo Mastutik. Universitas Airlangga.
Coen Pramono, - and Agung Sosiawan, - and Indri Safitri Mukono, - and Sri Agus Sudjarwo, - and Gondo Mastutik, Gondo and Bambang Purwanto, - and Lynda Hariani, Lynda and Harianto Notopuro, - and Budi Santoso, Budi (2023) Keabsahan Menyanggah Dr. Gondo Mastutik. Universitas Airlangga.