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Fatimah Arief, - and Nur Rochmah, - and Muhammad Faizi, - and Prastiya Indra Gunawan, - and Riza Noviandi, - (2022) Corresponding Hypocalcemic seizure caused by vitamin D deficiency in infant. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6 (59). pp. 429-433. ISSN 2550-696X
Fatimah Arief, - and Nur Rochmah, - and Muhammad Faizi, - and Prastiya Indra Gunawan, - and Riza Noviandi, - (2022) Hypocalcemic seizure caused by vitamin D deficiency in infant. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6 (59). pp. 429-433. ISSN 2550-696X
Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Riza Noviandi, - and Sunny Mariana Samosir, - Acute Encephalitis Sydrome, Difficulties in Enforcing a Diagnosis and Promoting Vaccination in Indonesia. International Journal of Integrated Medical Research, 9 (4). ISSN pISSN 2350-0360 eISSN 2393-9869
Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Riza Noviandi, - and Sunny Mariana Samosir, - First Unprovoked Seizure in Indonesian Children. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 6 (8). pp. 1909-1914. ISSN 2651-4702
Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Muhammad Rizki Darmawan, - and Riza Noviandi, - Manajemen Spastisitas Palsi Serebral Menggunakan Teknik Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lenghtening. Neurona, 38. pp. 222-230. ISSN pISSN 0216-6402 eISSN 2502-3748
Riza Noviandi, - and Dian Purnama Sari, - and Nia Nurul Aziza, - and Leny Kartina, - and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Soegeng Soegijanto, - and Parwati Setiono Basuki, - (2015) Characteristics of Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome in Children at Dr. Soetomo Hospital on 2010-2014. IDAI Cabang Jawa Timur, Surabaya.