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Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Christina Meilani, - and Samsul Hadi, - (2022) Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor as a Non-invasive Biomarker for Detection of Endometriosis. Journal of Reproductive & Infertility, 23 (3). pp. 207-212. ISSN 24763772
Rida Eka Setiani, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Gadis Meinar Sari, - (2022) Correlation Between Obesity And Successful Ovulation Induction With Clomiphene Citrate. Qanun Medika, 6 (1). pp. 59-65. ISSN p(254-1227 e(2548-9526)
Shafhan Dustur, - and Joni Wahyuhadi, - and Budi Utomo, - and Muhammad Arifin Parenrengi, - and Abdul Hafid Bajamal, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2022) Relationship Histopathology Grading of Meningioma with the Use of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (MPA) as A Hormonal Contraceptive. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (S6). pp. 938-941. ISSN 09753575
Noor Syafaatin Udhma, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2022) Unmet Need For Family Planning During Covid 19. Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati, 8 (2). pp. 463-468. ISSN 2579762X
Nur Mulyani, - and Lestari Sudaryanti, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2022) The relationship between age of menarche and duration of menstruation with the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea. Journal Of Health, Education and Literacy, 4 (2). pp. 104-110. ISSN 2714-7827
Olvinda Eka Zulfi, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ilya Krisnana, - (2021) The Body Mass Index (BMI) Related To Menopause symptoms ( Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) berhubungan dengan keluhan menopause ). Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 5 (1). pp. 73-87. ISSN 2656-7806
Diana Rahima, - and Bambang Purwanto, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2021) Suplementasi omega 3 menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah pada wanita terlatih. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 5 (1). pp. 13-17. ISSN 2656-7806
Sheila Sekar Mahadani, - and Lilik Herawati, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2021) The Combination of High Calorie Diet and Moderate Interval Training Decreases Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Level In Rats. International Journal of Research Publications, 91 (1). pp. 288-295. ISSN 2708-3578
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Soehartono Darmosoekarto, - and Hendy Hendarto, - and Erry Gumilar Dachlan, - and Fedik Abdul Rantam, - and Sunarjo, - and I. W. Arsana Wiyasa, - and Widjiati, - (2021) Effects of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation on tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor 1 expression, granulosa cell apoptosis, and folliculogenesis repair in endometriosis mouse models. Veterinary World, 14 (7). pp. 1788-1796. ISSN 2231-0916
Fitri Kurnia Rahayu, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ashon Saadi, - (2021) Effects of different intensities of exercise on folliculogenesis in mice: Which is better? Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine, 48 (1). pp. 43-49. ISSN 2233-8233
Fita Kurnia Rahayu, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ashon Saadi, - and Lilik Herawati, - (2021) Effects of different intensities of exercise on folliculogenesis in mice: Which is better? Clinical Experimental Reproductive Medicine, 48 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 22338233
Budi Santoso, - and Nanda Yuli Rahmawati, - and Ashon Saadi, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Jimmy Yanuar Annas, - and Arif Tunjungseto, - and M.Y. Ardianta Widyanugraha, - and Alfin Firasy Mufid, - and Fadhil Ahsan, - (2021) Elevated peritoneal soluble endoglin and GDF-15 in infertile women with severe endometriosis and pelvic adhesion. Journal Reproductive Immunology, 146. pp. 1-10. ISSN 01650378
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Hendy Hendarto, - and Fedik Abdul Rantam, - and Erry Gumilar Dachlan, - and I.W.A. Wiyasa, - and Widjiati, - (2021) Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation in Endometriosis Model Mice on VEGF mRNA Expression to Improve Infertility. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 14 (3). pp. 1196-1201. ISSN 1309-100X
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Samsulhadi, - and Arif Tunjungseto, - and Monika Lijuwardi, - and Arsana Wiyasa, - (2021) Night Shift Work Accelerates Menopausal Age in Health Workers. Biomolecular and Health Science, 4 (1). pp. 30-37. ISSN 2620-8636
Gerald Sebastian David, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and R. Haryanto Aswin, - (2021) Pengaruh usia wanita dan lama kawin terhadap keberhasilan program Fertilisasi in vitro. Jurnal Kesehatan Soetomo, 8 (3). pp. 128-164. ISSN 2407-2486
Dhea Hesty Purwaningrum, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Sulistiawati, - (2021) RELATIONSHIP OF FEMALE AGE AND SPERM QUALITY WITH THE SUCCESSFUL OF IUI LITERATURE REVIEW. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 5 (3). pp. 232-241. ISSN 2656-7806
Anak Agung Renjani Kanya Kumari, - and Reny I'tishom, - and Hendy Hendarto, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2021) The Relationship of Antral Follicle Count (AFC) with Levels of Estradiol Serum and Mature Ovarian Follicles in Women Undergoing the IVF Program at the Graha Amerta Fertility Clinic of General Hospital of Dr. Soetomo in the Period 2018. Indian Journal Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 1997-2003. ISSN 0973-9122
Badiah, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ivon Diah Wittiarika, - (2021) Survival Rate Penderita Kanker Serviks Stadium IIIB Menurut Jenis Hispatologi dan Usia. Jurnal Antara Kebidanan, 4 (4). pp. 160-170. ISSN 2656-9167
Putri Lisdiana Rahmawati, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Lilik Herawati, - (2020) COMBINATION OF EFFLEURAGE AND KNEADING MASSAGE CAN REDUCE INTENSITY OF DYSMENORRHEA. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 4 (1). pp. 51-59. ISSN 2656-7806
Rara Yumna Elfrida, - and Gadis Meinar Sari, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Pudji Lestari, - (2020) The Comparison of Total Cholesterol Level in DMPA and Combination Injection Contraception Users. Pediomaternal Nursing Journal, 6 (2). pp. 117-124. ISSN 2355-1577
Yuriske Agnovianto, - and Linda Dewanti, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2020) Infertility Causing Factors & the Success Rate of in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in One of Fertility Center of Surabaya City, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11 (2). pp. 1978-1982. ISSN 09760245
Budi Santoso, - and Ashon Saadi, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Arif Tunjungseto, - and Muhammad Yohanes Ardianta Widyanugraha, - and Alfin Firasy Mufid, - and Nanda Yuli Rahmawati, - and Fadhil Ahsan, - (2020) Soluble immune checkpoints CTLA-4, HLA-G, PD-1, and PD-L1 are associated with endometriosis-related infertility. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 84 (4). pp. 1-5. ISSN 10467408
Anindya Marcha Angelina Djianto, - and Tri Hartini Yuliawati, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Widjiati, - (2019) Efek Ibuprofen Oral Terhadap perubahan berat badan pada mencit betina. Majalah Biomorfologi, 29 (2). pp. 27-31. ISSN 2716-0920
Cicilia Valentine Simamora, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ninik Darsini, - (2019) GANGGUAN MENSTRUASI PADA AKSEPTOR DMPA TIDAK TERKAIT IMT. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 3 (3). pp. 196-203. ISSN 2656-7806
Cicilia Valentine Simamora, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ninik Darsini, - (2019) Menstrual Disorder DMPA Acceptors are Not Related to BMI. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 3 (3). pp. 196-203. ISSN 2656-7806
Ratriana Via Parasti, - and Widjiati, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2018) Effect of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells transplantation on BMP-15 expression and Graafian follicle count in mice model of endometriosis. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi, 26 (3). pp. 107-111. ISSN 0854-0381
Dhenok Tri Rahajeng, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2017) Faktors Affecting Neonatal Law Birth weight general hospital Dr. Soedomo Trenggalek. Midwifery Science Journal, 1 (1). pp. 70-78. ISSN 2656-7806
Annisa Trissatharra, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Ratna Sofaria Munir, - (2016) Pengaruh Monoklonal Antibodi Bovine Zona Pelusida 3 (bZP3) terhadap Diameter dan Atresia Folikel Ovarium Mencit (Mus musculus). Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi, 24 (1). pp. 37-41. ISSN 0854-0381
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - and Budi Santoso, - (2009) Perbandingan kadar sex hormone bindling globulin (shbg) dan kejadian ovulasi pada pemberian metformin selama 2 minggu (terhadap wanita sindroma ovarium polikistik yang mendapat terapi klomifen sitrat). Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi, 17 (2). pp. 67-70. ISSN 0854-0381
Anak Agung Renjani Kanya Kumari, - and Reny I'tishom, - and Hendy Hendarto, - and Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2001) The Relationship of Antral Follicle Count (AFC) with Levels of Estradiol Serum and Mature Ovarian Follicles in Women Undergoing the IVF Program at the Graha Amerta Fertility Clinic of General Hospital of Dr. Soetomo in the Period 2018. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 1997-2003. ISSN 09739122
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2019) Endometriosis pada Remaja (Nyeri dan Kista). In: Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (POGI) Surabaya 2019 in Collaboration with AOFOG. POGI Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 89-93.
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2017) Diagnosis Sindroma Ovarium Polikistik pada Remaja. In: Buku Proseding Konas HIFERI VII. Media Aesculapius FKUI, Jakarta, pp. 148-154. ISBN 978-602-61056-0-8
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2017) Diagnosis dan Tata Laksana Insufiensi Ovarium Primer. In: Buku Proseding Konas HIFERI VII. Media Aesculapius FKUI, Jakarta, pp. 189-193. ISBN 978-602-61056-0-8
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2016) Penanganan gejala hiperandrogen dan gangguan haid pada wanita SOPK yang non infertil. In: Buku Proseding Seminar Nasional Sindroma Ovarium Polikistik (SPOK) Praktis. POGI Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 41-45.
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2013) Aspek Aspek yang harus diperhatikan dalam pemberian antikoagulansia pada keguguran berulang. In: Buku Prosiding Symposium Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. Panitia Penyusun Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, pp. 61-68.
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2013) Pertimbangan terapi non bedah pada penderita endometriosis. In: Buku Proseding Acara Peringatan 1 Abad Pendidikan Dokter di Surabaya: Endometriosis New Approach in Old Disease. POGI Surabaya, Surabaya, pp. 48-56.
Sri Ratna Dwiningsih, - (2012) Induksi dan stimulasi ovarium dengan gonadotropin eksogen. In: Buku Prosiding Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan Penatalaksanaan Infertilitas Praktis & Terkini. Panitia PKB Fertilitas, Surabaya, pp. 35-41. ISBN 978-602-18201-0-0