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Selva Rosyta Dewi, .- and Tri Rahayu,, .- and Siti Istiqomah,, .- and Lisa Marjayandari,, .- and Mar’atus Sholichah,, .- and Nurul ‘Aini,, .- and Nabela Nur Hanifah, .- and Izdihar Tsana,, .- and Ana Mariatul Khiftiyah,, .- and Desi Triwahyuni,, .- and Muhammad Bachruddin,, .- and Indra Adi Wira Prasetya,, .- and Fatimah,, .- and Ni’matuzahroh (2019) Antibacterial test of various ingredients of “Indonesian Jamu”. In: The 9th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC) and AJI from Ritsumeikan University. AIP Publishing., Malang City, Indonesia, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-0-7354-1737-3
Aditya Anugerah Marusaha Sitorus, .- and Tri Rahayu,, .- and Ana Mariatul Khiftiyah,, .- and Salamun,, .- and Tri Nurhariyati,, .- and Fatimah, .- and Ni’matuzahroh (2019) Biodegradation Of Plastic Waste By Bacteria Isolated From Surabaya Landfills. Pollution Research, 38 (2019). S21-S25. ISSN 0257-8050