Items where Author is "Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi"
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Number of items: 20.


Nazar, Dady Soegianto and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Hermadi, Herry Agoes and Rimayanti and Lamid, Mirni and Mangkoedihardjo, Sarwoko (2015) Determination of the Dose of Medroxy Progesterone Acetate in Intramuscular Combined with Esterogen for Estrus Induction of the Fat Tailed Sheep. Journal of Applied Environmental & Biological Sciences (JAEBS),, 5 (11). pp. 161-165. ISSN 2090-4215

Fahmi, M. Fajar and Adikara, R.T.S and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2015) Pengaruh Penambahan Oat (Avena sativa) Pada Pakan Finisher Terhadap Kandungan Kolesterol Darah Pada Ayam Pedaging Jantan. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 3 (2). pp. 78-84. ISSN 2303-1697

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Fanani, Zaenal and Hartono, Budi and Lamid, Mirni (2015) Risk of Financial Analysis on Poultry Farm Business (Survey on Chicken Farmers Group of Gunungrejo Makmur of Lamongan Regency). Journal of Applied Environmental & Biological Sciences (JAEBS), 5 (5). pp. 339-344. ISSN 2090-4215

Lamid, Mirni and Al-Arif, M. Anam and Puspaningsih, Ni Nyoman Tri and Kurniati, Anita and Asmarani, One and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2015) Lignocellulosic Enzymes Characterization and Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis on Rice Bran Surface Structure Changes. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 7 (1). pp. 124-130. ISSN 0975-7384

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Lamid, Mirni and Yuliani, M. Atik Gandul (2014) Ibm Kelompok Ternak Sapi Perah Di Kecamatan Bantur Kabupaten Malang. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 3 (1). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2303-1697

Lestari, Wong Aihuwa Diah and Suherni Susilowati and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2014) The Effect Various Thawing Time on Frozen Semen of At Tailed Sheep For Viability, Motility and Intact Plasma Membrane Of Spermatozoa. Ovozoa e – Journal, 3 (2). pp. 247-251. ISSN 2302 – 6464

Kumalasari, Diastutik Agustina and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Prawesthirini, Soetji (2014) Pemanfaatan Kulit Pisang Kepok Kuning (musa Balbisiana) Sebagai Sumber Energi Terhadap Konsumsi Dan Efisiensi Pakan Broiler Jantan. Jurnal Argo Veteriner, 2 (2). pp. 104-109. ISSN 2303-1697 (In Press)

Metasari, Ike and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Hamid, Iwan Sahrial (2013) Analisis Usaha Pada Peternakan Rakyat Ayam Petelur Di Kecamatan Srengat Kabupaten Blitar. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 2 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 2303 – 1607

Firdaus, Moh. Febrianto Putra and Madyawati, Sri Pantja and Widjaja, Nanik Sianita and Lamid, Mirni and Rachmawati, Kadek and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2013) Efektivitas Penambahan Kombinasi Tujuh Enzim Terhadap Estimasi Pertambahan Berat Badan Sapi Potong Peranakan Simental. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 2 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2303 – 1607

Kristia N, Diora and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Utomo, R. Budi and Lamid, Mirni (2013) Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Kunyit (Curcuma domestica) Dan Tepung Daun Seligi (Phyllanthus buxifolius) Dalam Pakan Terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler Jantan. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 2 (1). pp. 43-53. ISSN 2303 – 1607

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2013) Financial Analysis of Layer Chicken Farms in Sub-District Kedungpring of Lamongan. Proceeding International Seminar : The Role of Veterinary Science to Support Millenium Development Goals and The 12th Asian Association of Veterinary Schools Congress. pp. 302-305. ISSN 978-602-70438-0-0

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Sigit, Setyawati and Hermadi, Herry Agoes (2013) The Production Plastic Progesteron Implants For Estrus Synchronization In Big Tail Sheep From Sapudi Island. Proceeding International Seminar : The Role of Veterinary Science to Support Millenium Development Goals and The 12th Asian Association of Veterinary Schools Congress, Surabaya – Indonesia. pp. 258-261. ISSN 978-602-70438-0-0

Azizah and Kusnoto and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2013) Analisis Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah “ BEJO” Di Tenggumung Wetan Kota Surabaya. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 1 (2). pp. 37-45. ISSN 2303 – 1697

Anggriawan, Rico and Srianto, Pudji and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2013) The Benefit Of Additional Banana (Musa paradisiaca L,var sapientum) And Mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana L.) Skins Flour Toward Weight Gain And Feed Conversion In Male Broiler. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 1 (2). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2303 – 1697

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Kaloka, Nanda Griga and Setyono, Herman and Mustofa, Imam (2012) Pemanfaatan Limbah Susu Bubuk Afkir Sebagai Pakan Tambahan Pada Pakan Komersial Terhadap Presentase Berat Karkas dan Lemak Abdominal Ayam Pedaging Jantan. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 1 (1). pp. 24-28. ISSN 2303 – 1697

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Alim, Mochammad Nur and Wurlina (2012) Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Afkir Terhadap Performan Ayam Pedaging Jantan. Jurnal Agro Veteriner, 1 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 2303 – 1697

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2012) Sensitivity Analysis Of Layer Chickens Farms In Sub-District Kedungpring Lamongan. Proceeding International Seminar : Strategy To Manage Bio-Eco-Health System For Stabilizing Animal Health & Productivity To Support Public Health. pp. 56-59. ISSN 978-602-8967-69-3

Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi and Hermadi, Herry Agoes (2012) Penentuan Kadar Progesteron dalam Serum Darah Sapi Metoda RIA (Radio Immuno Assay) setelah Pemberian Berbagai Dosis Progesteron MPA (Medroxy Progesteron Acetate) Transvaginal. Veterinaria Medika, 5 (1). pp. 41-44. ISSN 1979-1305

Hermadi, Herry Agoes and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2012) Rancang Bangun Plastik T Sponge MPA (Medroxy Progesteron Assay) Soft Release Untuk Gertak Birahi pada Sapi. Veterinaria Medika, 5 (1). pp. 45-48. ISSN 1979-1305

Hernawati, Tatik and Lamid, Mirni and Hermadi, Herry Agoes and Warsito, Sunaryo Hadi (2010) Bakteri Selulotik untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pakan Komplit Berbasis Limbah Pertanian. Veterinaria Medika, 3 (3). pp. 205-208. ISSN 1979-1305

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