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Suryani Dyah Astuti, .- and Age Sulistyo, .- and Ernie Maduratna Setiawatie, .- and Miratul Khasanah, .- and Hery Purnobasuki, .- and Deny Arifianto, .- and Yunus Susilo, .- and Kartika Anggraini Alamsyah, .- and Suhariningsih, .- and Ardiyansyah Syahrom, .- (2022) An in-vivo study of photobiomodulation using 403 nm and 649 nm diode lasers for molar tooth extraction wound healing in wistar rats. Odontology, 2022 (110). pp. 240-253. ISSN ISSN:1618-1247 E-ISSN:1618-1255