Items where Division is "Peer Review" and Year is 2016
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Number of items: 39.

Bambang Poernomo S. (2016) Induce Ovulation Using Different Doses Of Pmsg In Female Rat ( Ratus norvegicus). Pinnacle Biological Sciences, 3 (1). ISSN 2360-9478

Bambang Poernomo S. (2016) Single Cell Sexing Using a Part of Metal Razor Blade of Bovine Embryos Through Male Specific Repetitive DNA. Global veterinaria, 16 (1). pp. 67-70. ISSN 1992-6197

Basuki (2016) Metode Penelitian Akuntansi dan Manajemen, Berbasis Studi Kasus. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-0820-87-3

Devijanti, R. Rini and Indrawati, Retno and Subijanto, M. S. and Kusumaningsih, Tuti (2016) The level of beta defensin‑2 in saliva and its expression in parotid gland epithelial cells after probiotic (Lactobacillus reuteri) induction to inhibit Streptococcus mutans in caries. European Journal of Dentistry, 10 (4). pp. 556-560. ISSN 1305-7456

Dimas,, Surya Bagaskoro and Tintin Sukartini and Hidayati, Laily (2016) DRUGS SUPERVISOR ACTIVENESS CORRELATED WITH MOTIVATION AND TUBERCULOSIS MEDICATION ADHERENCE. In: 7th International Nursing Conference, 8-9 April 2016, Surabaya.

Edy Setiti Wida Utami, Dra., MS and Sucipto Hariyanto, Dr. DEA (2016) The Effect of Organic Nutrient and Growth Regulators on Seed Germination, Embryo and Shoots Development of Dendrobium antennatum by In Vitro. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8 (2). pp. 165-171. ISSN 2338-7610

Evy Sari Sutrisnaningsih and Suharjono and Bambang Sudarmanto (2016) ANALYSIS OF DEFERASIROX AND DEFERIPRON USE IN CHILDREN WITH PEDIATRIC B-THALASSEMIA MAJOR. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 52 (1). pp. 42-46. ISSN 0303-7932

Hubby and Suharjono and Zaenab Djafar (2016) Potassium Monitoring In Heart Failure Patients Receiving Combined Therapy Of Captopril And Furosemide. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 52 (4). pp. 285-289. ISSN 0303-7932

Kusumaningsih, Tuti (2016) Beta-defensins-2 expressions in gingival epithelium cells after probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri induction. Dental Journal, 49 (1). pp. 49-53. ISSN 1978-3728

Leo Herlambang and Harry Azhar Azis and Tika Widiastuti (2016) Model Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Berbasis Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) oleh Lembaga Zakat (studi Kasus pada Yayasan Baitul Maal BRI). Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Silatnas V FORDEBI, V . Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Darussalam Ambon, Ambon. ISBN 978-602-74455-0-5

Merryana Adriani, SKM., M.Kes (2016) Epidemniologi Gizi. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-0820-42-2

Reine Risa Risthanti and Muhammad Aminuddin and Suharjono (2016) NT-proBNP Level Changes After Combination Therapy With Bisoprolol And Ace-Inhibitor In Patient With Heart Failure. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 52 (4). pp. 258-263. ISSN 0303-7932

Rusli and Chatarina U. Wahyuni and Suharjono and Hari Basuki Notobroto (2016) Self-Treatment Profile in Makassar Community. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 28 (3). pp. 65-74. ISSN 2307-4531

Salim, Sherman (2016) GIGI TIRUAN JEMBATAN (Fixed Dental Prosthesis). Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-0820-98-9

Sherman Salim (2016) Correlation between estrogen and alkaline phosphatase expression in osteoporotic rat model. Dental Jurnal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 49 (2). pp. 76-80. ISSN 1978 - 3728

Sholihatil Hidayati and Junaidi Khotib and Suharjono (2016) The Influence Of Sodium Orthovanadate On The P53 And Caspase 3 Expressions In Beta Cells Diabetic Mice Model. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8 (10). pp. 115-118. ISSN 0975–1491

Sidarningsih, Sidarningsih and Soetjipto, Soetjipto and Kusumaningsih, Tuti and Ridwan, Rini Devijanti (2016) Study of adhesion from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans local isolate on alveolar bone destruction in aggressive periodontitis disease. Journal of BIOLOGICAL RESEARCHES, 21 (2). pp. 56-60. ISSN 08526834

Soebagjo, Hendrian Dwikoloso (2016) OPHTHALMIC HEMANGIOMA. Pustaka Saga, Fakultas Kedokteran Unair, pp. 1-77. ISBN 978-602-6851-21-5

Soebagjo, Hendrian Dwikoloso and Fatmariyanti, Susy and Lutfi, Delfitri and Aulanni’am and Sumitro, Sutiman Bambang (2016) The Role of p53 Protein Expression in Retinoblastoma. European Journal of Biomedical and Phamnceutical Sciences, 3 (7). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2349-8870

Sri Herianingrum and Anandea Maulina (2016) Permintaan Gadai Emas oleh Nasabah non-Muslim di Bank JATIM Syariah Cabang Surabaya. In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Silatnas V FORDEBI. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Darussalam Ambon, Ambon, pp. 43-54. ISBN 978-602-74455-0-5

Sri Herianingrum and Imronjana Syapriatama (2016) Dual Monetary System and Macroeconomic Performance in Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Al-Iqtishad, 8 (1). pp. 65-80. ISSN 2087-135X

Sri Herianingrum and Tika Widiastuti (2016) The Empowerment Model of Cash Waqf to Improve Education Quality in Zakat Institutions. International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics (IJIBE), 1 (1). pp. 53-65. ISSN 2502-0633

Sri Herianingrum and Tika Widiastuti (2016) Ketenagakerjaan. In: Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Islam Seri Konsep dan Aplikasi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam. PT. Rajagrafindo Persada, Jakarta, pp. 225-246. ISBN 978-979-769-991-8

Suharjono and Wahyudi E. D. and Yunita A. and Yogiarto M. and Zulkarnain B. S. (2016) Platelet Reactivity of Aspirin and Clopidogrel in Coronary Artery Disease Patients with or Without Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8 (7). pp. 690-694. ISSN International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Suharjono, Dr., MS., Apt and Sakinah Annura, 051111225 and Iswinanro Doso Saputro, dr., Sp. BP(K) and Dwi Rahayu Rusiani (2016) EVALUASI PENGGUNAAN ALBUMIN PADA PASIEN LUKA BAKAR DI RSUD DR. SOETOMO. Prosiding Rakernas dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia 2016. ISSN 2541 - 0474

Tintin Sukartini and Nursalam and Eka Mishbahatul M.Has, Eka and Candra Panji Asmoro, Candra and Misutarno, Misutarno (2016) Improving Psychological Response on Indonesian’s Migrant Worker (TKI) Infected by HIV Through Family and Peer Group Support. jurnal ners, 11 (2). pp. 251-255. ISSN 1858-3598

Suko Hardjono (2016) Pemodelan Molekul, Sintesis dan Penentuan Aktivitas Antineoplastik 1-(4-Trifluorometilbenzoiloksi)Urea = (Molecular Modeling, Synthesis and Antineoplastic Activity of 1-(4-Trifluoromethylbenzoyloxy)Urea). JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, 14 (1). pp. 62-65. ISSN 1693-1831

Suko Hardjono (2016) Prediksi Sifat Farmakokinetik, Toksisitas dan Aktivitas Sitotoksik Turunan N -Benzoil-N' -( 4-fluorofenil)tiourea sebagai Calon Obat Antikanker melalui Pemodelan Molekul = (Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Properties, Toxicity and Cytotoxic Activity of N-Benzoyl-N' -(4-fluorophenyl)thiourea Derivatives as Anticancer Drugs Candidate through Molecular Modeling). JURNAL ILMU KEFARMASIAN INDONESIA, 14 (2). ISSN 1693-1831

Suko Hardjono (2016) Structure modification and Molecular Modeling of 1-(Benzoyloxy)urea derivatives as anticancer drug candidates. In: Proceeding 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences: Interprofessional Collaboration to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Universitas Jember, Jember, pp. 20-22. ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1

Suko Hardjono and Siswandono Siswodihardjo and Purwanto Pramono and Win Darmanto, NIDN. 0016066103 (2016) Quantitative Structure-Cytotoxic Activity Relationship 1-(Benzoyloxy)urea and Its Derivative. Current Drug Discovery Technologies, 13 (2). pp. 101-108. ISSN 1570-1638; 1875-6220

Suko Hardjono, Dr.,, MS (2016) Uji In Silico Turunan 1-(Benzoiloksi)urea sebagai calon obat anti kanker. In: Prosiding 1st Annual Pharmacy Conference. 3-4 September 2016, Surakarta, pp. 103-107. ISBN 978-602-74912-0-5

Suko Hardjono, Dr., Apt., M.S and Nurul Wahyunig Dyah, Dra., Apt., M.Si (2016) Kesetimbangan Fasa. Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-0820-69-9

Tika Widiastuti and Imron Mawardi (2016) Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Dana Zakat di Lembaga Zakat Daerah: Pendekatan SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) Analysis. Prosiding National Conference on ASBIS 2016 . Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin, Banjarmasin. ISBN ISSN 2541-6014

Tika Widiastuti and Raditya Sukmana and Sri Herianingrum (2016) The Role of Economic Empowerment for The Poor in a Zakat Institution. Australian Journal of Islamic Finance and Business, 2 (1). pp. 56-66. ISSN 2206-4397

Tintin Sukartini and Ratna Sitorus and Agung Waluyo and Ede Surya Darmawan (2016) The Influence of the Adherence Inproment Model Basefd on Kings's Interaction System Theory towards pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient. GSTF Jornal of Nursing and Health Care (JNHC), 3 (2). pp. 41-45.

Toni Masruri and Satrya AYu E.P. and Kus Harijanti and Iwan Hernawan (2016) Mucous Membrane Pemphiooid (MMP) Triggered by Stress? Buku Prosiding forum olah riset dan teknologi kedokteran gigi (FORTEGI) II 2016 . UNISULA Press 2016, Semarang. ISBN 978-602-1145-32-6

Tuti Kusumaningsih, NIDN. 0023105202 and Muhammad Luthfi, NIDN. 0006036704 (2016) Salivary neutrophils isolation of severe early childhood caries patients with flow cytometry analysis using magnetic beads and CD177 marker. Dental Jurnal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 49 (1). pp. 32-36. ISSN 1978 - 3728

Tutuk Budiati and Suko Hardjono and Melanny Ika Sulistyowaty (2016) Synthesis and Molecular Docking Study of 4-Chlorophenylquinazoline-4-[3h]-One Derivatives as COX-2 Inhibitor. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 8 (12). pp. 1605-1609. ISSN 0 975 1556

W. Budijastuti and Sucipto Hariyanto and Agoes Soegianto (2016) Earthworms Morphometric of Banana trees in Contaminated Area with Pb, Cr, Zn and Fe. International Journal of Ecology & Development, 31 (3). ISSN 0973-7308

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