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Adinda Juwita Syakila Elizafanti, - and Fasha Rudilla Putri, - and Luwes Sekar Ayu Wardhani, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - Efektivitas vaksinasi terhadap infeksi Covid-19 pada Anak-anak : Systematic Revew. Syntax Literate ; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia, 7 (1).

Agniya Ali Fahmi Hikmat, - and Mia Ratwita Andarsini, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Maria Christina Shanty Larasati, - and Andi Cahyadi, - and I Dewa Gede Ugrasena, - Risk Factors for Hepatotoxicity From L-Asparaginase Chemotherapy In Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (6). ISSN 0975-3575

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Covid 19 in Children: Potential impact on growth, development, social and education. In: Covid 19 in Children: Potential impact on growth, development, social and education. Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia.

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Dampak Stunting terhadap Perkembangan Kecerdasan Anak Jangka Panjang. In: Dampak Stunting terhadap Perkembangan Kecerdasan Anak Jangka Panjang. IDAI Cabang Jawa Timur - CV Prima Media. ISBN 978-623-91407-8-6

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Gerakan Spontan pada Bayi Baru Lahir dan Dampak Besarnya pada Kognitif Anak di Masa Depan. In: Gerakan Spontan pada Bayi Baru Lahir dan Dampak Besarnya pada Kognitif Anak di Masa Depan. Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa, FK Unair. ISBN 978-602-14466-2-1

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Long-term Developmental Outcome in Preterm Infants born with Preeclampsia. In: Long-term Developmental Outcome in Preterm Infants born with Preeclampsia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga.

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Peran Spesifik Bifidobacteria dalam Perkembangan Perilaku dan Kecerdasan Anak. In: Peran Spesifik Bifidobacteria dalam Perkembangan Perilaku dan Kecerdasan Anak. IDAI Cabang DKI Jakarta & UKK Tumbuh Kembang Pediatri Sosial IDAI.

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Practical Intervention in Continuum Care of Growth, Development and Social Pediatrics. In: Practical Intervention in Continuum Care of Growth, Development and Social Pediatrics. UKK Tumbuh Kembang Pediatri Sosial IDAI - CV Prima Media. ISBN 978-623-91407-9-3

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Principle Concept of Critical Periods In Child Development. In: Principle Concept of Critical Periods In Child Development. Ikatan Dokter Gigi Anak Indonesia.

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Rekomendasi Screen Time pada Anak. In: Rekomendasi Screen Time pada Anak. Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesiamu Kedokteran Jiwa, FK Unair. ISBN 978-623-7153-24-5

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad School Re-opening Consideration: Pediatrician Perspective. In: School Re-opening Consideration: Pediatrician Perspective. IDAI Cabang Jawa Timur - CV Prima Media. ISBN 978-623-91407-8-6

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Serve and Return Experiences Shape Brain Architecture in Critical Period of Child Development. In: Serve and Return Experiences Shape Brain Architecture in Critical Period of Child Development. Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia.

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Unique Role of Microbiota for Brain Development in Early Age. In: Unique Role of Microbiota for Brain Development in Early Age. IDAI Cabang Jawa Timur.

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Anang Endaryanto, Anang Perkembangan Otak dan Kognitif Anak: Peran Penting Sistem Imun pada Usia Dini. Sari Pediatri, 23 (4). pp. 279-284. ISSN 0854-7823

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, Dwiyanti and Risky Vitria Prasetyo, Risky and Gani Wangunhardjo, Gani and Satrio Budiman, Satrio The Impact of climate change in children health: risks and responses. In: The Impact of climate change in children health: risks and responses. IDAI Cabang Jawa Timur - CV Prima Media. ISBN 978-623-91407-4-8

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, Dwiyanti and Risky Vitria Prasetyo, Risky and Neurinda Permata Kusumastuti, Neurinda Continuing Education Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak XLVI - The 2nd Pediatric Emergencies: Quick Responses and Prompt Management. In: Continuing Education Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak XLVI - The 2nd Pediatric Emergencies: Quick Responses and Prompt Management. Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, FK Unair Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-18322-1-9

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Muhammad and Poh Bee Koon, Poh and Rasaki Sanusi, Rasaki and Ming Hui Tan, Ming and Jan Geurts, Jan and Leilani Muhardi, Leilani Malnutrition in early life and its neurodevelopmental and cognitive consequences: A Scoping review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 35 (1). pp. 136-149. ISSN 0954-4224

Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Rini Sekartini, Rini Peran Bifidobacterium dalam Perkembangan Otak dan Tumbuh Kembang Anak. Sari Pediatri, 22 (5). pp. 325-330. ISSN 0854-7823

Alexander Leonard Caesar Josediputra, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - Risk Factors of Rebound Hyperbilirubinemia in Post Phototherapy Hyperbilirubinemia Infants. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (4). pp. 617-622. ISSN p- 0971-1929 e-: 0974-4568

Alexander Leonard Caesar Josediputra, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Roedi Irawan, - Association of Adipoq +45 T>G Gene Polymorphism with Insulin Resistance and Icam-1 Value in Obese Adolescents. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16 (1). ISSN ISSN:0973-9122E-ISSN:0973-9130

Alivia Retra Kusumowardani, - and Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Deby Kusumaningrum, - and Wihasto Suryaningtyas, Wihasto Cerebrospinal fluid culture and analysis in paediatric patients with shunt infection. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 50 (3). pp. 463-441. ISSN pISSN 1391-5452, eISSN 2386-110x

Alpha Fardah Athiyyah, - and Andy Darma, - and Reza Gunadi Ranuh, - and Ari Setyawati, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Anang Endaryanto, - and Sjamsul Arief, - and Subijanto Marto Sudarmo, - Effect of probiotic on innate immune response in the liver of mus Musculus BALB/C. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 11 (5). pp. 37-42. ISSN 2066-6845

Alphania Rahniayu, - and Gondo Mastutik, - and Anny Setijo Rahaju, - and Siti Eriaty Nur Ruslan, - and Priangga Adi Wiratama, - and Erna Sulistiyani, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Polymerase chain reaction of human cytomegalovirus from liver and urine compared with serological test in cholestasis infants. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 16 (10). pp. 1630-1636. ISSN 1972-2680 E-ISSN:2036-6590

Alphania Rahniayu, - and Gondo Mastutik, - and Willy Sandhika, - and S. Eriaty N Ruslan, - and Anny Setijo Rahaju, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Erna Sulistyani, - Presentation of Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in Liver Tissues of Cholestatic Infants with Extrahepatic and Non-Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 15 (6). ISSN 0974-3618 E-ISSN:0974-360X

Amilia krisdiantini, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Ilya Krisnana, - HUBUNGAN ANTARA POLA ASUH ORANG TUA DENGANPERKEMBANGAN ANAK PADA USIA PRASEKOLAH. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 4 (4). ISSN 2656-7806

Aminuddin Harahap, - and Agus Harianto, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Dina Angelika, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - Spontaneous Ileum Perforation in a Monozygotic Twin Premature Infant with Mother Coronavirus Disease-19 Confirm: A Case Report. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. pp. 1-5. ISSN 2213-5766

Aminuddin Harahap Harahap, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Risa Etika, - Predictive Model for Retinopathy of Prematurity in A Tertiary Hospital in Indonesia. IJRP 2021, 89 (1). pp. 89-100. ISSN 2708-3578

Anggi Sepfana Zizilia, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Rachmat Hargono, - and Kuntoro, - and Irwanto, - and Nur Mukarromah, - The Effect of Health Facility and Ease of Accessibility on Satisfaction of BPJS PBPU Participant. Health Notions, 2 (1). ISSN 2580-4936

Anita Wijaya Djatmiko Tjiook, - and Yulistiani, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Elfri Padolo, - The Usage of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in Children with Persistent Ductus Arteriosus. A. Journal of Global Pharma Technology,, 11 (6). pp. 253-264.

Annisa Nur Rohma, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - and Woro Setia Ningtyas, - Relationship between Anxiety and Breast Milk Expulsion in Lactating Mothers. Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2023),, 8 (2). pp. 169-175. ISSN 2549-1172

Annisya Dinda Paramitha, - and Ulfa Kholili, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Perbedaan Profil Abses Hati Pyogenic dengan Amoebic pada Pasien Abses Hati Rawat Inap di RSUD Dr Soetomo Tahun 2016-2019. Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas, 9 (3). ISSN P-ISSN : 23017406 E-ISSN : 26151138

Arvelina Novia Damayanti, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Widati Fatmaningrum, - HUBUNGAN POLA MAKAN DENGAN DERAJAT KEPARAHAN DISMENOREA PADA REMAJA PUTRI. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 6 (1). ISSN 2656-7806

Azra Fauziyah Azyanti, - and Woro Setia Ningtyas, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - Implementasi dan Pemanfaatan Continuity of Maternal Healthcare di Indonesia (Literature Review). Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batang Hari Jambi, 22 (2).


Bagus Setyoboedi, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas,, - and Anindya Kusuma Winahyu, - and Sjamsul Arief, - TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN ATRESIA BILIER PADA BIDAN DI PUSKESMAS KABUPATEN SIDOARJO. Level of Knowledge of Bilier Atresia In Midwife In Puskesmas, Sidoarjo District. JURNAL ABDI INSANI, 9 (4). pp. 1839-1846. ISSN e-ISSN : 2828-3155. p-ISSN : 2828-4321

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Atresia Bilier Ilmu Dasar Hingga Studi Translasional. In: Atresia Bilier Ilmu Dasar Hingga Studi Translasional. Airlangga University Press. ISBN 978-602-473-627-9

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Keabsahan Karya Ilmiah Dr. Bagus Setyoboedi. Universitas Airlangga.

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Tinjauan Imunologi Atresia Bilier pada Anak. In: Tinjauan Imunologi Atresia Bilier pada Anak. Universitas Airlangga. ISBN 978-602-473-949-2

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Abdul Haris Khoironi, - and Sjamsul Arief, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Alphania Rahniayu, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - Comparison of CD4+/Foxp3+ and CD4+/IL-17+ cells counts on cholestatic infants with and without biliary atresia. Pan African Medical Journal, 5 (88). ISSN 1937-8688

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Ahmad Rofii, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Sjamsul Arief, - Expression of cytokeratin-7 and cytokeratin-19 on newborn mice induced rhesus rotavirus as biliary atresia model. Pan African Medical Journal, 42 (322). ISSN 1937-8688

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Anang Endaryanto, - and Sjamsul Arief, - Corticosteroid Effects and Administration Time Difference on Mice Model of Biliary Atresia. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 13 (2). ISSN 1309-100X

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Avianita Dewi Kusumawardhani, - and Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, - and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, - Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Prenatal as A Complementary Treatment to Prevent Vertical Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, 5 (8). pp. 50-64. ISSN 2534-9821

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Anindya Kusuma Winahyu, - and Sjamsul Arief, - TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN ATRESIA BILIER PADA BIDAN DI PUSKESMAS KABUPATEN SIDOARJO. Jurnal Abdi Insani, 9 (4). pp. 1839-1846. ISSN P-ISSN : 23562935 E-ISSN : 26570629

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Sjamsul Arief, - Early detection of biliary atresia in primary health care: still a problem. F1000Research, 11 (1245). ISSN 2046-1402

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Sjamsul Arief, - Early detection of biliary atresia in primary health care: still a problem. F1000 research. ISSN 2046-1402

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Reny Widayanti, - and Sjamsul Arief, - and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, - The agreement of cytomegalovirus (CMV) serology examination and CMV polymerase chain reaction of liver tissue in infants with cholestasis. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 50 (1). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1391-5452 E-ISSN:2386-110X

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Sjamsul Arief, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Firyal Nadiah Rahmah, - Bayi Kuning Awas Atresia Billier. In: Bayi Kuning Awas Atresia Billier. Universitas Airlangga. ISBN 978-602-473-936-2

Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Sjamsul Arief, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Mega Malynda, - and Aldila Pratiwi, - Hepatitis B Pada Anak Ilmu Dasar hingga Aplikasi Klinis. In: Hepatitis B Pada Anak Ilmu Dasar hingga Aplikasi Klinis. Universitas Airlangga. ISBN 978-602-473-941-6


Christine Florens, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - The composition of carbohydrate and fat consumption among obese adolescents in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Media Gizi Indonesia, 17 (1). pp. 62-69. ISSN pISSN: 2540-8410, eISSN : 2540-8410

Claudia Magdalena Felisia Kurube, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Roedi Irawan, - and I.G.M. Reza G. Ranuh, - and Retno Asih Setyoningrum, - and Hari Basuki, - A Comparison of Short Sleep Duration and Insulin Resistance Association in Children Aged 13-15 Years Old and 16-18 Years Old. International Journal of Research Publications (IJRP), 83 (1). pp. 127-133. ISSN 2708-3578


Deborah Melati, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Mahendra Tri Arif, - and Risa Etika, - and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, - and Talitha Aden, - Outbreak of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in the neonatal intensive care unit, Dr Soetomo General Hospital, Indonesia: A case series. Deborah Melati,. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2022, 51 (2). pp. 294-298. ISSN 2386110X-13915452

Desy Nurrosalia Wisnuwardani, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (NTISS) in Rural Country: Mortality and Length of Stay (LOS) Predictive Score in Preterm Infant. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 14 (4). pp. 862-867. ISSN 1829-0825

Dewi Rahmawati, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Arend F Bos, - Transcutaneous bilirubin level to predict hyperbilirubinemia in  preterm neonates. F.1000 reseach, 9 (300). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2046-1402

Dian Dwi Sary, Dian and Irwanto, Irwanto and Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Mira Irmawati, Mira and Nining Febriyana, Nining and Neni Widiasmoro, Neni Construct Validity of Indonesia Language Version of Childhood Autism Rating Scale™ Second Edition. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 14 (4). pp. 175-180. ISSN 1675-0306

Dina Angelika, - and Risa Etika, - and Muhammad Pradhika Mapindra, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Paulus Rahardjo, Paulus and I Dewa Gede Ugrasena, I Dewa Associated neonatal and maternal factors of osteopenia of prematurity in low resource setting: A cross-sectional study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 64. pp. 1-6. ISSN 2049-0801

Dina Angelika, - and Risa Etika, - and Munawaroh Fitriah, - and Naomi Nathania Kusumawardani, - and Angelica Diana Vita, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Kian Djien Liem, - and I Dewa Gede Ugrasena, - Association between glial fibrillary acidic protein, glial- derived neurotrophic factor, and fatty acid-binding protein-2 at birth in the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10. ISSN 2296-2360


Eko Wahyudi, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - Oral care colostrum effect on preterm infants fecal mmunoglobulin A secretory level. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,, 14 (4). pp. 945-949. ISSN 0971-1929

Elizabeth Beatrice Jonathan, Elizabeth and Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Mira Irmawati, Mira The effect of massage stimulation on the general movements quality in breastfed preterm infant. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 56 (4). pp. 302-308. ISSN 2355-8393

Endy Novryan Ridwan, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Harianto Notopuro, - The Effect of Cigarette Smoke Exposure in the Fetal Growth and Fetal Development of Mice (Mus musculus). Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 11 (1). pp. 13-17. ISSN 19073623

Esti Isyroofanaa, - and Zakiyatul Faizah, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono PENGARUH PAPARAN MEDIA MASSA TERHADAP LITERASI KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI REMAJA PONDOK PESANTREN. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 3 (4). pp. 341-348. ISSN 2656-7806

Evi Rokhayati, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Sjamsul Arief, - Aktivitas Bilirubin Serum pada Pasien Atresia Bilier Sebelum dan Sesudah Prosedur Kasai. Smart Medical Journal, 4 (2). ISSN P-ISSN : 26211408 E-ISSN : 26210916


Fatimah Arief, - and Retno Asih Setyoningrum, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Dominicus Husada, - and I Ketut Alit Utamayasa, - and Hartono Kahar, - Vitamin D and cathelicidin assessment in children with pneumonia. Bali Medical Journal, 12 (1). pp. 235-238. ISSN P-ISSN.2089-1180, E-ISSN: 2302-2914


Gina Noor Djalilah, - and Reny Widayanti, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Sjamsul Arief, - Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography as a diagnostic tools to diagnose biliary atresia at Dr.Soetomo hospital. Qanun Medika - Jurnal Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas, 3 (2). ISSN P-ISSN : 2541227 E-ISSN : 25489526

Gondo Mastutik, - and Nila Kurniasari, - and Alphania Rahniayu, - and Anny Setijo Rahaju, - and S Eriaty N Ruslan, - and Khafidhotul Ilmiah, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Erna Sulistyani, - Detection of Cytomegalovirus in Urine Specimen of Cholestatic Infants by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 15 (5). ISSN 0974-3618 E-ISSN:0974-360X


Hafiza Amadhin Rusti, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Ariandi Setiawan, - THE USE OF STRONGkids, TOTAL LYMPHOCYTE COUNT, AND SERUM ALBUMIN TO IDENTIFY THE RISK OF HOSPITAL MALNUTRITION IN CHILDREN. FOLIA MEDICA INDONESIANA, 59 (159). pp. 32-39. ISSN pISSN:2355-8393, eISSN: 2599-056x

Hasanah Nurbawena, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Esti Yunitasari, - HUBUNGAN RIWAYAT SAKIT DENGAN KEJADIAN STUNTING PADA BALITA. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 3 (3). pp. 213-225. ISSN 2656-7806


I Gusti Ayu Putu Eka Pratiwi, - and Roedi Irawan, - and I Dewa Gede Ugrasena, - and Muhammad Faizi, - Vitamin D, insulin-like growth factor-1, and stunting in children with transfusion-dependent thalassemia. Pediatrica Indonesiana, 62 (2). pp. 98-103. ISSN p-ISSN 0030-9311; e-ISSN 2338-476X

Ike Wahyu Triastuti, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Nur Rochmah, - and Muhammad Faizi, - The Role of TGF-β in the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Scientific Advances, 3 (2). ISSN 2708-7972

Ilya Krisnana, Ilya and Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Muftiyaturrohmah, Muftiyaturrohmah Analysis of Fathers’ Support Based on Maternal Perceptions Through Stunting Incidence in Toddler at Coastal Areas. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11 (5). pp. 761-767. ISSN 0975-8453

Indah Lestari, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono A protective status of HbsAg and Anti-HBs in vaccinated newborns from hepatitis B positived mothers: a meta analysis. I. International Journal of Research Publications, 82 (1). pp. 46-57. ISSN 2708-3578

Indah Lestari, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Martono Tri Utomo, - A protective status of HbsAg and Anti-HBs in vaccinated newborns from hepatitis b positived mothers: a meta analysis. International Journal of Research Publications. ISSN 2708-3578

Innas Tiara Ardhiani, - and Ahmad Suryawan, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono Comparison of Child Development between Aterm and Premature Birth at Age 2-3 Years Old in Kabupaten Probolinggo, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (11). pp. 1954-1958.


Jannatin Nisa Arnindita, - and Muhammad Miftahussurur, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Juniastuti, - Seroprevalence of anti-HBs antibodies and the need for booster vaccination in children under 5 years of age born to HBsAg-negative mothers. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 14 (9). pp. 410-416. ISSN 1995-7645 E-ISSN:2352-4146


K Nurrosyida, - and N Annisa Harum, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono Correlation Between Prematurity and The Onset of Neonatal Sepsis: A Cross-Sectional Study in NICU of a Tertiary Hospital in East Java, Indonesia. Rwanda Medical Journal,, 79 (4). pp. 31-40. ISSN 2079097X

Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Risa Etika, - and Nurita Alami Dwi Wijayanti, - and Agus Harianto, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Dina Angelika, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - Gain velocity and iga secretory fecal between preterm baby received human milk and human milk fortified. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology,, 11 (5). pp. 108-121.


Lasmauli Situmorang, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Sjamsul Arief, - and Gondo Mastutik, - Infection of Cytomegalovirus in Cholestasis Infant with Biliary Atresia. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 26 (2). ISSN P-ISSN : P-ISSN : 08544263 E-ISSN : 24774685

Lucyana Septia Pramita, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, - Low-Hemoglobin Levels During Pregnancy with Low-Birth Weight: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. L. PEDIOMATERNAL NURSING JOURNAL, 7 (1). pp. 55-64. ISSN 2355-1577


Mahendra T A Sampurna, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Siti A D Rani, - and Abyan Irzaldy, - and Zahra S Irawan, - and Kinanti Ayu Ratnasari, - and Arend F Bos, - An evaluation of phototherapy device performance in a tertiary health facility. Heliyon 6. ISSN 2405-8440

Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Muhammad Pradhika Mapindra, - and Muhammad Pradhiki Mahindra, - and Kinanti Ayu Ratnasari, - and Siti Annisa Dewi Rani, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Dina Angelika, - and Agus Harianto, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - and Pieter J J Sauer, - Kramer Score, an Evidence of Its Use in Accordance with Indonesian Hyperbilirubinemia Published Guideline. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2021,, 18 (11). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1661-7827


Manillaturrochmah, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Retno Asih Setyoningrum, Retno and Budi Utomo, - Relationship Of Nutritional Status With Tuberculosis Lungs Of Children Aged 0-5 Years in Surabaya. Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, 1 (4). pp. 154-161. ISSN 2963-4946

Mardiyan Aprianto, - and Mahrus A. Rahman, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono Caracteristics, Diagnosis, Management and Output of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn at Dr. Soetomo Hospital. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (1). pp. 1443-1445. ISSN 0974-4487

Martono Tri Utomo, - and Mahendra Sampurna, - and Rufina Adelia Widyatama, - and Visuddho, Visuddho and Ivan Angelo, - and Risa Etika, - and Dina Angelika, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Abyan Irzaldy, - Neonatal resuscitation: A cross-sectional study measuring the readiness of healthcare personnel. F1000Research. pp. 1-3.

Martono Tri Utomo, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Melisa Melisa, - and Putu Bagus Dharma Permana, - and Ivan Angelo Albright, - and Risa Etika, - and Dina Angelika, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Abyan Irzaldy, - Nurse workload, missed nursing care, and the contributing factors in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in a limited resource setting: A case from Indonesia [version 1; peer. F1000 Research. pp. 1-12.

Martono Tri Utomo, - and Muhammad Reza, - and Risa Etika, - and Talitha Y. Aden, - and Iwan S. Handoko, - and Ruth A. Alexander, - Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) Fortified Formula Feeding in Premature Infants. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16 (1). pp. 763-770. ISSN 0971-1929-0974-4568

Martono Tri Utomo, - and Nabila Annisa Harum, - and Kartika Nurrosyida, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Talitha Yuliaputri Aden, - The Association between Birth Route and Early/Late onset Neonatal Sepsis in Term Infants: A Case-control Study in the NICU of a Tertiary Hospital in East Java, Indonesia. Iranian Journal of Neonatlogy, 13 (4). pp. 11-16. ISSN 22517510-23222158

Martono Tri Utomo, - and Ni Luh Putu Herli Mastuti, - and Hodimatum Mahiroh, - and Talitha Aden, - Clinical Manifestations of Neonatal Sepsis and Antibiotics Management in Newborn at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia. International Journal of Research Publications, 96 (1). pp. 191-198. ISSN 2708-3578

Martono Tri Utomo, - and Subijanto M. Sudarmo, - and Ketut Sudiana, Ketut Zinc Supplementation in NFkB and Mucosal Intestinal Repair during LPS-Induced Sepsis in Rodents . International Journal of Research Publication. IJRP, 85 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 2708-3578

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Aminuddin Harahap, - and Risa Etika, - Incidence and Risk Factors of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP): A Single Center Study in a Tertiary Center in Indonesia. International Journal of Research Publication,, 82 (1). pp. 266-276. ISSN 2708-3578

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Aminuddin Harahap, - and Risa Etika, - Massive cystic hygroma of the neck with respiratory distress in newborn. Journal of Pediatric surgery case report, 71. ISSN 2213-5766

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Dwiyanti Puspitasari, - and Sacharissa Zerlina Tsarwah Thirafi, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - Recommendations for Mothers With COVID-19 for Breastfeeding: A Review. Perinatology, 23 (2). pp. 86-91. ISSN 9722408

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Khadijah Rizky Sumitro, - and Risa Etika, - and Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, - Current-proven neonatal sepsis in indonesian tertiary neonatal intensive care unit: a hematological and microbiological profile. Iranian Journal of Microbiology, 13 (3). ISSN 2008-3289

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Muhammad Pradhika Mapindra, - and Muhammad Pradhiki Mahindra, - and Setya Mirtha, - and Kartika Dharma Handayani, - and Dina Angelika, - and Risa Etika, - Effect of Glutamine Enteral Supplementation in Post-Operative Intestinal Obstruction Neonates: A Randomized Control Trial. . Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 48 (9). pp. 154-159. ISSN 1674-2974

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - and Mahrus Abdul Rahman, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampoerna, - and Sunny Mariana Samosir, - Effect of Hemodynamic Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus on Tissue Oxygenation in Preterm Infants using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 13 (1). pp. 55-61. ISSN 23222158

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Subijanto M Sudarmo, - and Ketut Sudiana, Ketut Zinc supplementation in normal conditions increases the pro-inflammatory cytokines. Drug Invention Today, 11 (8). pp. 1-6.

Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Subijanto M. Sudarmo, - and Ketut Sudiana, Ketut Zinc Supplementation Effect in MDA and MMP8 During LPS Induced Sepsis and Its Benefits to Reduce The Child Mortality in Hospital Practice. International Journal of Research Publication, 85 (1). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2708-3578

Mega Malynda, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Martono Tri Utomo, - Factors Associated with Anti-HBs Seroprotection Among Children Aged 10-18 Years Old in Bangkalan Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROGRESSIVE RESEARCH IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 3 (5). ISSN 2582-7898

Mega Malynda, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Martono Tri Utomo, - Factors Associated with Anti-HBs Seroprotection Among Children Aged 10-18 Years Old in Bangkalan Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia. International Journal of Progressive Research in Science and Engineering, 3 (5). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2582-7898

Meity Ardiana, Meity and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, Nur Panduan Pola Diet Sehat untuk Pasien dengan Gangguan Kardiovaskular. In: Panduan Pola Diet Sehat untuk Pasien dengan Gangguan Kardiovaskular. Universitas Airlangga. ISBN '978-602-473-855-6

Melantika Nur Fitria Syahri, - and Tiyas Kusumaningrum, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus PENGALAMAN IBU MERAWAT BALITA USIA 6 - 24 BULAN BERSTATUS GIZI BURUK. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 3 (1). ISSN 2656-7806

Muhammad R D Mustakim, - and Irwanto, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Mira Irmawati, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Impact of Stunting on Development of Children between 1-3 Years of Age. Ethiopian journal of health sciences, 32 (3). pp. 569-578. ISSN 1029-1857

Muhammad Reza, - and Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Dina Angelika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - and Agus Harianto, - analisis faktor risiko dan luaran dari penggunaan terapi antibiotik empirik jangka panjang pada bayi dengan berat lahir sangat rendah dalam kondisi sepsis. Majalah Kesehatan, 6 (4). pp. 252-561. ISSN 1907-8803, 2548-7698

Muhammad Reza, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Talitha Yuliaputri Aden, - Comparison between lung ultrasonography and chest x-ray in the diagnosis of respiratory distress syndrome in preterm neonates in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia. Current Pediatric Research, 25 (4). pp. 570-574. ISSN 0971-9032

Muhammad Rizki Darmawan Mustakim, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - and Dina Angelika, - and Kartika Dharma Handayani, - and Talitha Aden, - Surfactant Therapy for Meconium Aspiration Syndrome in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital: A Case Series. Rwanda Medical Journal, 78 (4). pp. 5-11.

Muqiemuddin Salim, - and I Ketut Alit Utamayasa, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Irwanto, - and Azwin Mengindra Putera, - and Meity Ardiana, - The Effect of Cardiac Catheterization Intervention on The Nutritional Status of Children with Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. Pharmacognosy Journal, 15 (2). pp. 338-342. ISSN 0975-3575


Nabila Fitri Ariyati, - and Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Florentina Sustini, Florentina Profil Klinis dan Faktor Risiko Mortalitas pada Anak dengan Hidrosefalus di RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Sari Pediatri, 22 (6). pp. 364-370. ISSN pISSN 0854-7823 eISSN 2338-5030

Nabilah Khansa, - and Samsriyaningsih Handayani, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Perbandingan Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Self-Care Dismenore antara Remaja Putri Jurusan Sains dan Sosial. Jurnal Ilkes (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan), 12 (2). ISSN E-ISSN : 25499408

Ni Luh Putu Herli Mastuti, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Dina Angelika, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - Silver sulfadiazine as the topical treatment for giant omphalocele: a case report. Bali Medical Journal (Bali Medj) 2023, 12 (1). pp. 59-63. ISSN 20891140, 23011914

Ni Made Indah Dwijayanti Atmaja, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Ernawati, - Association of Chorioamnionitis with Neonatal Sepsis and Mortality Rate Among Preterm Infants: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Scientific Advances., 3 (2). pp. 292-298. ISSN 2708-7972

Ni Made Indah Dwijayanti Atmaja, - and Roedi Irawan, - The effect of high-calorieformula on head circumference and body length on young children with stunted due to feeding problem. SURABAYA MEDICAL JOURNAL(SMJ IDI SURABAYA), 1 (1). ISSN 2986-7584

Ni Putu Sudewi, Ni Putu and Merryana Adriani, Merryana and Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Oedojo Soedirham, Oedojo and Warsono, Warsono Managing feeding behaviorsince birth: What should parents know about the homeostatic stage manifestations? Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 14 (4). pp. 1802-1806. ISSN 1996-7195

Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - and Roedi Irawan, - and IDG Ugrasena, - and Retno Handajani, - Adiponectin, anthropometric measurements and insulin resistance in adolescence with obesity. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition., 26 (2). pp. 165-172. ISSN 1394-035X

Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Retno Handajani, - and I. D. G. Ugrasena, - Association between anthropometric parameters and carotid intima-media thickness in obese adolescents. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 50 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1394 – 035X

Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - Sleep duration and metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents. Media Gizi Indonesia, 16 (1). pp. 33-37. ISSN p-ISSN 1693-7228 ; e-ISSN 2540-8411

Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - and IDG Ugrasena, - and Retno Handajani, - METS-IR vs. HOMA-AD and Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Adolescents. Journal of Medical Investigation, 70 (7). pp. 2117-2121. ISSN pISSN:1343-1420/ eISSN:1349-6867

Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, Nur Nutrisi Parenteral. In: Nutrisi Parenteral. Universitas Airlangga. ISBN '978-602-473-836-5

Nurani Widianti, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - and Roedi Irawan, - PLA2G6-Associated Neurodegeneration: A Rare Case Report of Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation in Children. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 39 (1). pp. 310-313. ISSN 1682024X

Nyilo Purnami, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Puspa Wardhani, - Seropositivity of Anti-Rubella Antibodies as A Marker for Rubella Infection in Infants at High Risk of Congenital Deafness. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 26 (2). pp. 182-186. ISSN ISSN : e-ISSN 2477-4685 / p-ISSN 0854-4263


Oktavian Prasetia Wardana, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Risa Etika, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and I Gusti Bagus Adria Hariastawa, - and Mariza Fitriati, - Successful management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) in an 8-day-old infant with moderate persistent pulmonary hypertension, moderate muscular Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), and small Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). Bali Medical Journal Bali (Bali Medj) 2022, 11 (2). ISSN 20891140, 23022914


Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Achmad Chusnu Romdhoni, Achmad Pseudomonas Pseudoalcaligenes Caused Otogenic Cerebellar Brain Abscess In Indonesian Child. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 3888-3890. ISSN p ISSN: 0973-9122, eISSN: 0973-9130

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Darto Saharso, - Efficacy aand Tolerability of Intravenous Paracetamol Compared to Oral Paracetamol for the Treatment of Childhood Fever. Pharmacognosy Journal, 14 (5). pp. 537-541. ISSN 0975-3575

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Kartika Hardiyani, - and I. Dewa Gede Ugrasena, - Total Neuropathy Scale Pediatric Vincristine to detect vincristine induced peripheral neuropathy in children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukimia. Rawal Medical Journal, 48 (1). p. 179184. ISSN 0303-5212

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Muhammad Rizki Darmawan, - and Riza Noviandi, - Manajemen Spastisitas Palsi Serebral Menggunakan Teknik Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lenghtening. Neurona, 38. pp. 222-230. ISSN pISSN 0216-6402 eISSN 2502-3748

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Nur Aisiyah Widjaya, - Lennox Gastaut Syndrome with Bilateral Temporo-Parietal Encephalomalacia Cyst in a Child: The First Indonesian Report. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 14 (3). ISSN 1309-100X

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Riza Noviandi, - and Sunny Mariana Samosir, - Acute Encephalitis Sydrome, Difficulties in Enforcing a Diagnosis and Promoting Vaccination in Indonesia. International Journal of Integrated Medical Research, 9 (4). ISSN pISSN 2350-0360 eISSN 2393-9869

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Riza Noviandi, - and Sunny Mariana Samosir, - First Unprovoked Seizure in Indonesian Children. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 6 (8). pp. 1909-1914. ISSN 2651-4702

Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Wihasto Suryaningtyas, Wihasto Hemispherectomy with corpus callosotomy in pediatric Lennox Gastaut Syndrome associated encephalomalacia cyst: The first case in Indonesia. Rwanda Medical Journal, 79 (3). pp. 5-8. ISSN pISSN 2079-097X, eISSN 2410-8626


Rabiatul Adawiah, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Dina Angelika, - and Risa Etika, - Correlation between Knowledge and Attitude to the Behavior of Health Workers Regarding Acceptance of Human Milk Bank in General Hospital Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. IJRP 2021, 89 (1). pp. 197-202. ISSN 2708-3578

Raden Muhammad Zulfan Jauhari, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Agung Dwi Wahyu Widodo, - The Use Of Sepsis Calculator In Neonatal For Diagnosis And Management Early Onset Sepsis: a Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Research Publication, IJRP, 86 (1). pp. 123-130. ISSN 2708-3578

Radhitio Adi Nugroho, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Retno Asih Setyoningrum, Retno Predictive Value of Prognostic Nutritional Index in Children with COVID-19. Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences, 6 (10). pp. 2651-4702. ISSN 2651-4702

Retno Asih Setyoningrum, Retno and Arda Pratama Putra Chafid, - and Rika Hapsari, - and Amrina Rosyada, - and Muhammad Helmi Imaduddin, - and Khoirunnisa Shafira Deshpande, - and Nabila Annisa Harum, - Flipchart and Booklet as Media to Increase Cadre’s Knowledge about Latent Tuberculosis Prevention in Children. Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research, 4 (1). pp. 33-39. ISSN 2723-035X

Retno Asih Setyoningrum, Retno and Talitha Yuliaputri Aden, - and Radhitio Adi Nugroho, - and Glabela Christiana Pandango, - and Taufiq Hidayat, - and Muhammad Faizi, - Factors Affecting Anxiety and Depression Among Pediatric Residents in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia. International Journal of Research Publications, 120 (1). pp. 99-108. ISSN '2708-3578

Rewina Asmarani, Rewina and Irwanto, Irwanto and Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad and Mira Irmawati, Mira and Martono Utomo, Martono Effect of massage on salivary cortisol level in preterm neonates. Iranian Journal of Neonatology, 11 (1). pp. 12-16. ISSN 2251-7510

Rewina Intan Asmarani, - and Irwanto, - and Ahmad Suryawan, - and Mira Irmawati, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono Effect of Massage on Salivary Cortisol Level in Preterm Neonates. Iranian Journal of Neonatology., 11 (1). pp. 12-16. ISSN 09739122, 09739130

Reza Gunadi Ranuh, - and Alpha Fardah Athiyyah, - and Andy Darma, - and Wibi Riawan, - and Prastiya Indra Gunawan, Prastiya and Ingrid Suryanti Surono, Ingrid and Subijanto Marto Sudarmo, - Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum IS-10506, Expression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 by Astrocytes and Endothelial Integrity: The Importance of Intestinal Microbiota as Blood Brain–Barrier Stabilizer. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics, 17. pp. 1-6. ISSN pISSN 1555-1431 eISSN 2641-7197

Rizaldo Bagoes Dinatha, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus Intensive phototherapy as the initial management of severe hyperbilirubinemia in neonates: A literature review. International Journal of Health Science, 6 (59). pp. 2813-2831.

Rizky Arisanti Maharani, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Risa Etika, - Alteration of Iron, Zinc, Vitamin A Breast Milk Levels During Lactation Period Among Mothers of Low Birth Weight Infant Born at Preterm and Term. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16 (1). ISSN ISSN:0973-9122E-ISSN:0973-9130

Roedi Irawan, - and Nur Aisiyah Widjaja, - and Meta Herdiana Hanindita, - and Rendi Aji Prihaningtyas, - IL-18, Adiponectin and Metabolic Parameters in Obese Adolescents. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, 13 (2). pp. 1399-1404. ISSN 0975-2366


Salma 'Afindi Iswara, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Woro Setia Ningtyas, - Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice by Mothers who Work as Health Workers. Pediomaternal Nursing Journal, 7 (1). ISSN 2355-1577

Setya Mithra Hariastuti, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Quri Meihaerani Savitri, - Female infant with apert syndrome and high imperforate anus without fistula . Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 75. pp. 1-6. ISSN Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports

Siti Samisatun Maulina, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Woro Setia Ningtyas, - and Samsriyaningsih Handayani, - Dietary Patterns Short Message Reminders’Effect on Weight Gain in 1-3 Years OldStunting ChildrenPengaruh Pesan Singkat Pengingat Pola Makanterhadap Kenaikan Berat BadanAnakStunting Usia 1-3 Tahun. Jurnal Ilmiah Kebidanan, 6 (2). pp. 150-155. ISSN P-ISSN : 26568586 E-ISSN : 26217015

Siti Wahyu Windarti, Siti and Ahmad Suryawan, Ahmad Effectiveness of the Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO) System in Improving Mother and Infant Interaction. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 57 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2355-8393

Sunny Mariana Samosir, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Mahrus A. Rahman, - and Risa Etika, - and Dina Angelika, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Agus Harianto, - Echocardiographic Study in Preterm Infant with Hemodynamic Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Sunny Mariana Samosir,. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 16 (1). pp. 1145-1150. ISSN 0971-1929, 0974-4568

Sylviati M Damanik, - Congenital Anterior Diapragmatic Hernia (Morgagni) In Newborn ( Case Report ). Laporan Penelitian. Fakultas Kedokteran. (Unpublished)


Theresa Laura Limanto, - and Mahendra T.A. Sampurna, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Dina Angelika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Risa Etika, - and Agus Harianto, - the effect of early parenteral nutrition on return to birth weight and gain weight velocity of premature infants with low birth weight. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 11 (5). pp. 101-108.

Tita Natalia Manurung, - and Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono The Role of Breast Milk on Reducing the Risk of Neonatal Sepsis in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pharmacogn J. 2022;, 14 (6). pp. 1067-1074. ISSN 9753575


Viky Nafi'ah Rahma Maulidia, - and Puspa Wardhani, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus AST, ALT and Albumin Level in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with and without Complications of Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 26 (3). ISSN p-ISSN: 0854-4263; e-ISSN: 2477-4685

Virany Diana, - and Risa Etika, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Quri Meihaerani Savitri, - Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis in neonatal lupus erythematosus patients. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 76. pp. 59-63. ISSN 20891140-23022914

Vista Claudia Sar, - and Irwanto, - and Widati Fatmaningrum, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - IkterIkterus Fisiologis pada Pemberian Asi Pertama (Kolstrum) di Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 4 (1).


Yeni Riskawati, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Pudji Lestari, - PENGARUH METODE KANGURU TERHADAP PENINGKATAN BERAT BADAN PADA BBLR. Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal, 4 (3). pp. 241-252. ISSN 2656-7806

Yuni Hisbiyah, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, - and Nur Rochmah, - and Muhammad Faizi, - The correlation between vitamin D and levels of IFN-γ, NF-κB, thyroid antibodies in down syndrome: study in Indonesian children. Acta Biomedica, 93 (6). pp. 1-10. ISSN 03924203

Yuni Hisbiyah, - and Anang Endaryanto, - and Bagus Setyoboedi, Bagus and Nur Rochmah, - and Muhammad Faizi, - The correlation between vitamin D and levels of IFN-γ, NF-κB, thyroid antibodies in down syndrome: study in Indonesian children. Acta Biomedica, 93 (6). ISSN 0392-4203

Yuni Retnaningtyas, - and Ganden Supriyanto, - and Roedi Irawan, - and Siswandono Siswodihardjo, - Noncovalently D-arabinitol Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) to Identify Different Sugar Alcohols. Baghdad Science Journal, 18 (4). ISSN P-ISSN: 2078-8665 E-ISSN: 2411-7986

Yustika Ayustira Karim, - and Martono Tri Utomo, Martono and Indra Yuliati, - and Medika Respati, - Hubungan Pijat Bayi terhadap Kenaikan Berat Badan pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) : Systematic Review. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, 16 (4). pp. 263-274. ISSN 1907-3887, 2685-1156

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