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Fingerprints & Lip Prints Analysis (2021) Fingerprints & Lip Prints Analysis. EC00202112889.
BOOK (2021) Thanatology. EC00202124777.
Arofi Kurniawan, - and An’nisaa Chusida, - and Lyvia Vanessa Satigi, - and Ajeng Dyah Romadhoni, - and Muhammad Raihan Liandro, - and Mieke Sylvia Margaretha Amiatun Ruth, - and Haryono Utomo, - and Maria Istiqomah Marini, - and Beta Novia Rizky, - and Beshlina Fitri Widayanti Roosyanto Prakoeswa, - (2021) Dentist’s Role and Responsible in Identification and Investigation. Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine, 4 (2). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2722-1253
Arofi Kurniawan, - and An’nisaa Chusida, - and Maria Istiqomah Marini, - and Beta Novia Rizky, - and Beshlina Fitri Widayanti Roosyanto Prakoeswa, - and Prasetyaning Astrid Damayanti, - and Zhafira Nur Aini Salsabila, - (2021) The Dentists’ Understandings on Dental Medical Records in East Java, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine, 4 (2). pp. 55-59. ISSN 2722-1253
Pengenalan Rekam Medis Gigi untuk Guru Sekolah Dasar (2021) Pengenalan Rekam Medis Gigi untuk Guru Sekolah Dasar. EC00202124772.
Arofi Kurniawan, - and MUHAMMAD RIZKY RAFIANTO WIBOWO, - and Beta Novia Rizky, - and Maria Istiqomah Marini, - and An’nisaa Chusida, - and Mieke Sylvia Margaretha Amiatun Ruth, - (2021) The Reliability of Dental Age Estimation in Adults Using the Pulp/Tooth Ratio in Surabaya, Indonesia Population. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 13 (1). pp. 4716-4721. ISSN 0975-2366
Beshlina Fitri W.R. Prakoeswa, - and Arofi Kurniawan, - and Aspalilah Alias, - and An’nisa Chusida, - and Maria Istiqomah Marini, - and Beta Novia Rizky, - (2021) Palatal rugoscopy as an aid for sex determination Tengger population, Indonesia. Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 15 (2). pp. 77-82.
Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Agus Z. Arifin, - and Rarasmaya Indraswari, - and Ramadhan H. Putra, - (2021) Computer-Aided System of the Mandibular Cortical Bone Porosity Assessment on Digital Panoramic Radiographs. European Journal of Dentistry. ISSN 1305-7456
Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Deny Saputra, - and Aga Satria Nurrachman, - and Dina Karimah Putri, - and Ratu Sofia Nur Aini, - and Umi Lutfiah, - (2021) Distribution of CBCT-3D examination referrals at Dental Hospital Universitas Airlangga. Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia, 5 (3). pp. 100-105. ISSN 2686-1321.
Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Hutojo Djajakusuma, - and Indeswati Diyatri, - and Nastiti Faradilla Ramadhani, - (2021) The effect of X-ray irradiation to the formation of polychromatic erythrocyte cell micronucleus in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 53 (3). pp. 128-131. ISSN 1978-3728.
Fitri Rizki Amalia, - and Arofi Kurniawan, - (2021) Radiographic Examination of Third Molar Development for Biological Age Assessment in Java Population, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 3113-3119.
Monica Widiasri, - and Agus Zainal Arifin, - and Nanik Suciati, - and Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Rarasmaya Indraswari, - (2021) Alveolar Bone Detection from Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography using YOLOv3-tiny. IEEE Xplore. ISSN 00189219
Ramadhan Hardani Putra, - and Chiaki Doi, - and Nobuhiro Yoda, - and Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Keiichi Sasaki, - (2021) Current applications and development of artificial Intelligence for digital dental radiography. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 50 (5). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0250832X
Riki Kristanto, - and Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Daniel Haryono Utomo, - and Mieke Sylvia Margaretha Amiatun Ruth, - (2021) CBCT-3D Anthropometric Measurement of Mandibular Bone to Sex Determination in Surabaya Indonesia : a Pilot Study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 2591-2597. ISSN 09739122
Riki Kristanto, - and Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva, - (2021) Analysis Sex Determination to Forensic Aspect Use Maxillary Sinus Measurement by CBCT: A Pilot Study. Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences, 3 (4). ISSN 2655-7827
Yolla Faradhilla, - and Agus Zainal Arifin, - and Nanik Suciati, - and Eha Renwi Astuti, - and Rarasmaya Indraswari, - and Monica Widiasri, - (2021) Residual Fully Convolutional Network for Mandibular Canal Segmentation. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 14 (6). pp. 208-219. ISSN 2185310X