Colostrum-Collagen-Hydroxyapatite Composite, an Excellent Candidate Biomaterial For Bone Repair and Bone Infection Management

Dio Nurdin Setiawan and Mirzaq Hussein Anwar and Kholifatul Wanda Putri and Nilna Faizah Fiddarain and Prihartini Widiyanti and Hery Purnobasuki (2014) Colostrum-Collagen-Hydroxyapatite Composite, an Excellent Candidate Biomaterial For Bone Repair and Bone Infection Management. Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 5 (2). pp. 29-31. ISSN 2085-1103

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In the case of bone fracture or defect after surgery, which is common in patients with bone cancer (osteosarcoma), it takes a long time for closure and it may cause an infection problem. The use of collagen-hydroxyapatite composite with a blend of colostrum as a scaffold is aimed to accelerate the process of osteoblast growth, inhibite the emergence of infections, and act as bone tissue repair material. The method used was the hydrogel formation process and freeze dry process to remove the solvent and to form pores. The composition of scaffold composite manufactured was 15% collagen, 75% hydroxyapatite and 10% colostrum. Combination ofscaffold collagen-hydroxyapatite-colostrum has quite reliable properties because SEM test showed that scaffold could bind to both and could bind to both and could form sufficient pores to provide enough place for bone cells (osteoblats) to grow. The results of MTT assay revealed percentage of above 60%, which indicates that the material is not toxic. In conclusion, collagen-hydroxyapatite-colostrum combination is an excellent biomaterial candidate for bone repair and bone infection management.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: collagen, hydroxyapatite, colostrums, osteoblasts, bone repair
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > QC1-999 Physics
Divisions: 08. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi > Tekno Biomedik
Dio Nurdin SetiawanNIM081017014
Mirzaq Hussein AnwarNIM081017018
Kholifatul Wanda PutriNIM081016019
Nilna Faizah FiddarainNIM051011171
Prihartini WidiyantiNIDN0022027505
Hery PurnobasukiNIDN0005076704
Depositing User: Mr Akhmad Nurfizal Reza
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2021 14:31
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2021 14:31
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