Ventilation with risk quotient (RQ) benzene non-carcinogen in the shoes home industry of Romokalisari, Surabaya

Harsetianingrum, R.A. and Abdul Rohim Tualeka (2018) Ventilation with risk quotient (RQ) benzene non-carcinogen in the shoes home industry of Romokalisari, Surabaya. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 9 (11). pp. 624-629.

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The objectives of this study were to identify the presence of ventilation, Risk Quotient (RQ) of benzene non-carcinogen and the relationship between them in the shoes home industry of Romokalisari, Surabaya. Type of study was observational, cross sectional analytics with 10 workers as total population. Data analysis was using cross tabulation to know the frequency of ventilation and Risk Quotient (RQ), that obtained from the value of Intake benzene non karsinogen (Ink), benzene concentration in work environment (C), inhalation rate (R), length of work/day (tE), working frequency/year (fE), duration of work (Dt), worker's weight (Wb) and average time period (tavg). Analysis relationship between ventilation with Risk Quotient (RQ) of benzene non carcinogen was using Chi-Square Test and Prevalence Risk (PR). The results obtained most of the workplace were not ventilated (9 places (90)). Concentrations of benzene in the environment 0.04 mg/m3-2.91 mg/m3. Inhalation rate (R) 0.5 m3/hr-0.7 m3/hr. Length of work per day (tE) 8 hours/day-15 hours/day. Frequency of work per year (fE) 312 days/year-365 days/year. Duration of work (Dt) 14 years-43 years. Weight of worker (Wb) in 8 people (80) �70 Kg. RfC benzene 0.03 mg/m3. Risk Quotient (RQ)> 1, indicating that there was a possibility of non-carcinogenic health risks. P-value was 0.035, meaning there was relationship between the existence of ventilation with the Risk Quotient (RQ) benzene non-carcinogen in workers. Prevalence Risk (PR) was 9.000, meaning that the absence of ventilation has a risk 9 times greater for the risk of non-carcinogen health effects. Recommendations were by making good ventilation in the workplace and consuming CYP2E1 enzyme contained in cow liver and salmon to lower benzene levels in the body.13. © 2018, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords: benzene; cytochrome P450 2E1; organic solvent, Article; chi square test; clinical article; controlled study; cow; cross-sectional study; health hazard; human; Indonesia; lung ventilation; observational study; prevalence; respiratory quotient; salmonine; shoe industry; work capacity; work environment; working time
Divisions: Artikel Ilmiah > SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL
Harsetianingrum, R.A.UNSPECIFIED
Abdul Rohim TualekaUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Ika Rudianto
Last Modified: 03 Feb 2021 05:35
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