Frenektomi Dengan Teknik V-Plasty (Laporan Kasus)

Winidiastuti Anitasari, - and Agung Krismariono, - (2015) Frenektomi Dengan Teknik V-Plasty (Laporan Kasus). In: Periodontic Seminar (Perios2). Airlangga University Press (AUP), Bumi Hotel, Surabaya, pp. 104-107. ISBN 978-602-73529-0-2

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Background: Aberrant frenum may cause aestethic problem, central diastema, gingival recession, dan disruption of mouth cleansing. Frenectomy is a surgical procedure to reduce the aberrant frenum. One among frenectomy’s techniques is the v-plasty technique. The objective of this study is to explain the management of frenektomy with v-plasty technique. Case : A woman, 18 years old came with complains of difficulty in mouth cleansing, and lack of aesthetic because of the high frenulum. In oral examination, there was gingival type labial frenulum and the blanch test was positif. Methods : Frenulum is engaged with haemostat clamp. Incision is acted in the top side of frenulum and the basic of frenulum, in order to free the adherens of frenulum’s soft tissue from the bone. Until the enganged soft tissue by haemostat is released. Surgical area is irrigated with sterile saline and sutured with nterrupted technique. Periodontal pack is applied to protect the surgery’s area. One week post surgery, periodontal pack dan sutures is released, there are reduction of frenulum height and inflamation of post operation area. After one month, the wound recovers well and there is no scar formation. Conclusion : frenektomi with v-plasty technique gives good result without scar formation.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: R Medicine
R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Divisions: 02. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Periodontics
Winidiastuti Anitasari, --
Agung Krismariono, -NIDN0007036801
Depositing User: Rudy Febiyanto
Date Deposited: 27 May 2021 01:41
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2021 01:19
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