The Islamic Corporate Governance Implementattion and Program at Miftahussunnah islamic Boarding School

Widita Kurniasari, - and Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono, - and Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, - (2019) The Islamic Corporate Governance Implementattion and Program at Miftahussunnah islamic Boarding School. Opción, 35 (S 20). pp. 1589-1606. ISSN 1012-1587, eISSN 2477-9385

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This research designs and implements Islamic Corporate Governance (ICG) at pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Miftachussunnah in Surabaya so that it can be used as a reference for the improvement of governance and institutional structure in the pondok pesantren. This research will use the qualitative method. As a result, the discussions in this financial aspect include three things: financial planning and management conditions, analysis and recommendations. In conclusion, the preparatory phase consists of several steps, namely: a preliminary survey, findings, analysis of findings primarily to analyze governance management and institutional structures.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Boarding, Schools, Good, Corporate, Governance.
Subjects: H Social Sciences
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD2709-2930.7 Corporations
H Social Sciences > HG Finance
H Social Sciences > HG Finance > HG4001-4285 Finance management. Business finance.Corporation finance
Divisions: 04. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Ekonomi Syariah
Widita Kurniasari, -NIM091517077301
Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono, -UNSPECIFIED
Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, -NIDN0019117106
Depositing User: Tn Sugeng Riyanto
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2022 01:02
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2022 01:02
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