Can oral microbiome dysbiosis affect the behavior of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? : Narrative review

Udijanto Tedjosasongko, - and Paramita Devi Oktaviani, - and Salma Nadia, - and Dimas Prasetianto Wicaksono, - and Seno Pradopo, - (2023) Can oral microbiome dysbiosis affect the behavior of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? : Narrative review. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 17 (1). pp. 51-56. ISSN 2581-9615

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Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are complex developmental disorders characterised by several levels of social interaction and communication difficulties. The prevalence of children with ASD worldwide is around 1:160, and the number of cases of autism has increased significantly. The oral microbiome is a diverse microbial biofilm with the second most complex microbiota in the human body after the gut. Several factors, such as lifestyle and health, can influence the oral microbiome’s composition and metabolism. Children with ASD generally have poorer oral hygiene and suffer from periodontal disease and dental caries more than typical children; this is associated with behavioural disturbances, such as communication limitations, motoric limitations, eating habits and the side effects of drugs. Continued oral microbiome dysbiosis can lead to gut microbiome dysbiosis. There are two hypotheses for the transmission of oral bacteria to the gut, via the hematogenous route or via the enteral route. Gut microbiome dysbiosis may regulate social behaviour, such as emotional dissonance and anxiety, through blood-brain-barrier and gut-brainaxis pathways. When there is inflammation of the periodontal tissue in ASD children, it can cause lipopolysaccharide (LPS) leakage to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) that can cause an inflammatory response and disrupt metabolic activity in the central nervous system. Oral dysbiosis, which continues into gut dysbiosis, can affect behaviour through the gutbrain axis. This review aims to determine the impact of oral microbiome dysbiosis on the behaviour of children with ASD.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Oral microbiome; Dysbiosis; Behaviour; Children
Subjects: R Medicine > RK Dentistry
R Medicine > RK Dentistry > RK1-715 Dentistry
Divisions: 02. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak (Spesialis)
Udijanto Tedjosasongko, -NIDN0001066809
Paramita Devi Oktaviani, --
Salma Nadia, --
Dimas Prasetianto Wicaksono, -NIDN 0031058801
Seno Pradopo, -NIDN0016075204
Depositing User: Muhammad Fadli Rois
Date Deposited: 06 Mar 2023 05:45
Last Modified: 06 Mar 2023 05:45
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