I Dewa Ayu Ratna Dewanti, -
Minyak Ikan (@-3 PUFA) Menurunkan Aktivitas Fagositosis PMMN Secara Kuantitatif Pada Tikus Putih (Wistar) Jantan Yang Dipapar Streptococcus mutans): Penelitian Eksperimental Laporatoris.
This experimental study purposed to examine the effect of dietary fish oil (co-3 PUFA) in reducing the PMN phagocytic activity in rat exposed by S. mutans. In addition the effect of fish oil dose was also explored at had been demonstrated that co-3 PUFA suppressed inflammatory process by means of reducing interleukin (IL- 1, IL- 6, IL- 8, TNF a) production, and possibly affected phagocytic activity. This u)-3 PUFA activity is possibly mediated by the effects on prostaglandin (PGE2) and leucotrine (L TB4) production. Twenty-eight male post weaning wistar rats were devided into 4 groups (1 controle and 3 treatment groups). Controle group fed with standard diet while the three treatment groups fed with fish oil 0,5 ml; 1 ml; 1,5 ml respectively. After 14 days diet treatment, all of the rats were injected with S. mutans (1 o-3 in 100 ).l salin) intraperitoneal. Three days later, PMN analysis was performed on the blood preparation taken from rat tail, by means of light microscope. The active PMN (PMN with bacteries
inside the cell) were counted with Poisson law, namely percentage of active PMN per 1 00 leucocytes. The amount of bacteries phagocyted by PMN were counted as well. Data were analyzed statistically by. ANAVA and LSD. The result indicated that dietary supplementation of fish oil (co-3 PUFA) quantitatively reduced PMN phagocytic activity (P < 0,05). The more fish oil dose were ingested the less PMN were actived. Further study were needed to explore the effect of duration and frequency of fish oil supplementation on the PMN phagocytic activity both quantitatively and qualitatively, and also on other immune response.
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