Agustinus Guntur Aritonang
Hubungan Tingkat Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Adversity Quotient Dengan Kinerja Perawat Unit Gawat Darurat RSU USD Gambiran Kediri.
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Emergency nurse represent the part of emergency team having wide scope, owning unique characteristic, and having important role giving emergency critical condition. Emergency room situation in public full of critical case, Nurse need an optimal performance. High activity pressure which entangle role of emotion if not anticipate better can influence performance. Many factors influencing performance, among others is emotional intellegence and adversity quotient. This research aim to identify relationship between emotional intellegence and adversity quotient with performance.
This research use study design of correlational. Population of this research is all nurse in Emergency room at Gambiran General Hospital Kediri. Sampel collected to use totally [of] sampling that is counted 26 respondent. Data collected with quasionaire which filled by respondent and performance quasionaire which filled by head room, and then analysed by using spearman's rho statistical test of correlation with storey level of significant P 0,05.
Result show there’s no relationship between emotional intellegence with performance ( P = 0,066), adversity quotient with performance ( P = 0,116).
Result from this research is there’s no relationship between emotional intellegence and adversity quotient with performance. Nurse with high emotional intellegence level at Emergency room Gambiran General Hospital Kediri not including owned high performance also, and nurse with score adversity quotient level in medium categorize but got kind performance.
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