Anis Maifulliana
Hubungan Persepsi Ibu Tentang Sikap Dan Kinerja Kader Dengan Kunjungan Ke Posyandu Balita Di Desa Sumengko Gresik.
One of public health center’s programs that needed public participation was primary health care (posyandu). A carder has a important role to charge of motivating the public to visit the primary health care (posyandu)
This research aimed to analyze correlation between mother’s perception about attitude and performance of carder with mother’s visiting posyandu in Sumengko village Gresik district. Design used in this study was cross sectional.
The populations were all of posyandu member in Sumengko village. Sample was 80 respondents who had been taken according to inclusion criteria and enrolled using cluster sampling. Independent variable was mother’s perception about
attitude and performance of carder. The dependent variable was mother’s visiting posyandu. The data was collected by questionnaire and observation, then analyzed with spearman rho test, and significant level at α <0.05.
Results showed that there is correlation between mother’s perception about attitude of posyandu provider with visiting posyandu with correlation significant (p=0.000) and correlation coefficient (r=0.408). Then, there is correlation between mother’s perception about performance of carder with mother’s visiting posyandu with correlation significant (p=0.000) and correlation coefficient (r=0.503).
It can be concluded that positive mother’s perception about attitude and performance of carder can increase mother’s visiting posyandu. This showed that mother’s perception about attitude and performance of carder can become
reinforcing factor for mother’s visiting posyandu.
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