Andi Atssam Mappanyukki
Perbandingan Pengaruh Latihan Rehaencalina-Rehaencalinatorso (R-R-T) dan Rehaencalina-Bench Press-Torso-(R-B-T) Terhadap Kemampuan Lempar Lembing (Penelitian Eksperimen Lapangan).
Javelin achievement when seen from the pattern of motion starting from the leg to
the arm, muscle determinants in the javelin movement that is hip to the arm muscles still
need improvement in the form of exercise. One of the efforts undertaken to improve the
ability javelin, namely by training the muscles that play an important role and are in
accordance with the pattern of javelin throwing motion.
This study aims to determine the effect of exercise-Rehaencalina-RehaencalinaTorso
(RRT) and the exercise Rehaencalina-Bench Press-Torso (RBT) on the ability to
throw the javelin.
The design of this study is "the pretest - posttest control group design. Study
samples using 18 students from the population of 155 students FIK UNM. Samples were
divided into two groups to use the lottery technique. Each group of nine students with a
training division of the group-Rehaencalina Rehaencalina-Torso (RRT), group 2
Rehaencalina-Bench Press-Torso (RBT).
Exercise-rehaencalina rehaencalina-torso (RR T) in this research is a form of
weight training and flexibility, as for the sequence of movements as follows: Position
open one foot behind the front one. Rehaencalina motion carried by swing arms pull the
load behind the fore, position of the body back to the appliance. Movement carried out
repeatedly and adjusted to the basic movements javelin throw. After doing two sets of
movements rehaencalina form of exercise followed by a torso. Torso exercises to be
conducted in this study is the torso twist (rotate togok), in a way that is the position of the
hands outstretched to the side, to right hip and leftist played repeatedly in a standing
position by slowly and no snaps. After doing two sets of torso exercises followed by
practice rehaencalina two sets and two sets of torso movement. Total number of sets each
of four sets of exercises, the speed of movement in accordance with the metronome
rhythm of 2 seconds. To train the explosive power of heavy loads can not be as heavy
load for strength training but will also not be too light so that muscle stimulation did not
feel the burden, intensity 40-60% of maximum capacity, 1 0-20 reps, resting 60 seconds
between sets.
Rehaencalina exercise-bench press-torso (RBT) in this research is a form of
weight training and flexibility, as for the sequence of movements as follows: Position
open one foot behind the front one. Rehaencalina motion carried by swing arms pull the
load from the rear forward, the position of the body back to the appliance. Movement
carried out repeatedly and adjusted to the basic movements javelin throw. Rehaencalina
conducted two sets of exercises, followed by two sets of torso exercises. Subsequently
trained by practice of bench press. Execution mode as follows: initial supine position on a
flat bench with a height of 45 em from the floor, head propped on the bench. Hold the
barbell shaft with pronated grip, hands wider than shoulder is 300 and the barbell above
your chest, arms straight upwards. Movement: lower the barbell toward your chest,
touching his chest slowly, push upwards back into position. Keep your back as comfortable as possible, in order to balance maintained and no other motion, except the
arms and chest. After conducting two sets of bench press exercises, followed by two sets
of torso exercises, speed of movement in accordance with the metronome rhythm of two
seconds. To train the explosive power of heavy loads can not be as heavy load for
strength training but will also not be too light so that muscle stimulation did not feel the
burden, intensity 40-60% of maximum capacity, 10-20 reps, resting 60 seconds between
Measurements conducted on the pretest, posttest 1 and posttest 2 of moderator
variables (weight, height), the control variables (age, sex) and dependent variable togok
flexibility, explosive power arm, and the ability to throw the javelin). Measurements were
carried out after being divided into two groups pretest conducted on each group K1 and
K2. After 3 weeks of treatment performed posttest one in each group, after treatment at
week 6 done posttest 2 in each group.
Data analysis was processed using the test statistics descriptive statistics,
normality test, homogeneity test and Anacova.
Results of statistical analysis, descriptive variable togok flexibility to group 1 is
the pre test (52.02 ± 6.1 00) inches, posttest 1 (52.36 ± 5.538) inches, posttest 2 (54.48 ±
5.841) inches. Two pretest groups (50.67 ± 4.013) inches, posttest 1 (51.68 ± 3.919)
inches, posttest 2 (53.47 ± 4.153) inches. Explosive power arm of a pretest group (3.25 ±
0.335) meters, posttest 1 (4.66 ± 0.384) meters, posttest 2 (5.71 ± 0.242) meters. Two
pretest groups (3.42 ± 0.366) meters, posttest 1 (4.34 ± 0.487) meters, posttest 2 (5.05 ±
0.487) meters. Javelin ability to group 1 is the pre test (21.728 ± 5.584) meters, posttest 1
(24.667 ± 5.647) meters, posHest 2 (28.517 ± 5.330). Group 2 pre test (21.225 ± 3.909),
posttest 1 (23.060 ± 3.643), posttest 2 (24.882 ± 3.235) meters.
Results of normality test in group 1 and group 2 RBT RRT showed a price P>
0.05, means that the variable weight, height, flexibility togok, arms explosive power, and
ability to throw the javelin for the normal distribution and age distribution data do not
exist for all ages same 21 years.
Homogeneity test results indicate a price P> 0.05, all variables in the initial
conditions uniform except age which can not be tested because all subjects in each group
have the same age.
LSD test results indicated that togok flexibility, explosive power arm, and the
ability to throw the javelin was no significant differences with P value = 0.000 (P <0.05)
as a result of the RR T exercises and RBT.
Conclusions of this study is an exercise-Rehaencalina Rehaencalina further
increase explosive power than the exercise arm Rehaencalina-Bench press on number
javelin. Togok torso exercises to improve flexibility in the number javelin. ExerciseRehaencalina
Rehaencalina-Torso (RRT) further increase the ability to throw than the
exercise Rehaencalina-Bench press-Torso (RBT) on the number javelin. This is due to
China to train correctlv exercise the muscles that are reallv imnortant and consistent with J ~ ~
the pattern of javelin throwing motion.
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