The correlation between self-related adherence, asthma-related quality of life and control of asthma in adult patients

Elida Zairina, - and Gesnita Nugraheni, - and Gusti Noorrizka Veronika Achmad, - and Arie Sulistyarini, - and Yunita Nita, - and Arief Bakhtiar, - and Muhammad Amin, - (2021) The correlation between self-related adherence, asthma-related quality of life and control of asthma in adult patients. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 32 (4). pp. 453-458. ISSN 2191-0286

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Objectives: Medication non-adherence mostly occurs in patients with a wide range of disease severity, including asthma. The aim of the study was to assess the self reported adherence to asthma therapy and investigate the relationship between adherence, asthma control and asthma-related quality of life. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study in which participants were recruited from an outpatient department, in one hospital in Surabaya. Patients (aged≥18 years) with asthma who had used any regular asthma medications were included. Standardised questionnaires, including Juniper’s Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ), Adherence to Refills and Medications Scales (ARMS) and Juniper’s Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ) were used. Results: A total of 82 adults with asthma were recruited in the study. Male participants’ mean age was 49.13 ± 14.10 years (n = 23). Approximately 59 participants (72.0%) were females, 30 participants (36.5%) were using Budesonide inhaler, and 73 participants (89.0%) never smoked. The mean of ACQ, AQLQ, and ARMS scores were 1.62 ± 1.19, 4.96 ± 1.24, and 16.98 ± 4.12, respectively. Of 82 patients studied 53 (64.6 %) had “uncontrolled asthma” and more than 85% participants both showed “non adherence” to asthma therapy and nearly 46% of them indicated that their quality of life was affected by asthma. There was a significant association between ACQ and AQLQ (p<0.05), whereas no statistically significant association was found between ACQ and ARMS. Conclusions: The majority of patients reported nonadherence to asthma medications. Poor controlled asthma has been associated with lower asthma-related quality of life.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: adherence; asthma; asthma control; quality of life
Subjects: R Medicine
R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica
R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica > RS1-441 Pharmacy and materia medica
R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica > RS200-201 Pharmaceutical dosage forms
Divisions: 05. Fakultas Farmasi > Farmasi Komunitas
Elida Zairina, -NIDN0007107801
Gesnita Nugraheni, -NIDN0002128502
Gusti Noorrizka Veronika Achmad, -NIDN0013127103
Arie Sulistyarini, -NIDN0023027202
Yunita Nita, -NIDN0018067402
Arief Bakhtiar, -NIDN0022107810
Muhammad Amin, -NIDN8804680018
Depositing User: Mr M. Fuad Sofyan
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2023 02:21
Last Modified: 14 Apr 2023 02:21
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