Grading Of Lymphocyte Infiltrating Tumor Can Be Used As A Prognosis Factor Compared To T Pathology And N Pathology On Recurrency Of Colon Cancer

Putu Ayu Saraswati, - and Vicky Sumarki Budipramana, - and Alphania Rahniayu, Alphania Grading Of Lymphocyte Infiltrating Tumor Can Be Used As A Prognosis Factor Compared To T Pathology And N Pathology On Recurrency Of Colon Cancer. Indonesia Journal Of Biomedical Science,, 15 (1). ISSN 32022906

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Abstract Background: 30-50% of colon cancer patients will experience recurrence and then die. Several factors that can be used as a prognosis for recurrence are tumor staging, number of lymph nodes resected, high pT, and grading of TILs as an immune response that is useful for suppressing tumor growth. This study aimed to determine whether the TILs grading can be used as a prognostic factor for recurrence than pT and pN. Methods: This study used a descriptive retrospective study with all colon cancer patients who had hemicolectomy R0 right and left and patients who had received chemotherapy folfox who experienced recurrence at Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0 for Windows. Results: It was found that 33 people (32.4%) experienced a recurrence of less than 2 years and 69 people (67.9%) experienced a recurrence of 2-5 years. Low-grade TILs were 37 people (32.4%), and high TILs were 65 (63.7%). Patients with low-grade TILs at most 21 people (56.7%) will experience a recurrence of less than 2 years, while patients with high-grade TILs at most 53 people (81.5%) will experience a recurrence in years 2 - 5. pT4 has a recurrence of less than 2 years as many as 6 people (46.2%), less than pT4 with a recurrence of 2-5 years, namely 7 people (58.3%) while pT3 who experienced a recurrence of less than 2 years, the number was higher than pT4, namely 22 people (32.8%). pN0 will experience the highest recurrence in years 2-5 as many as 37 people (80.4%), while pN2 will experience the highest recurrence in less than 2 years as many as 14 people (66.6%). Grading TILs were significant (p = 0.018) in determining the prognosis than pT (p = 0.204) and pN (p = 0.083) in the first 2 years. Conclusion: Grading of TILs can be a prognostic factor for colon cancer recurrence in only the first 2 years.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General) > R5-920 Medicine (General)
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Patologi Anatomi
Putu Ayu Saraswati, -NIM011829029301
Vicky Sumarki Budipramana, -UNSPECIFIED
Alphania Rahniayu, AlphaniaNIDN0007028106
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 03 May 2023 06:23
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2023 06:23
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