Hubungan Komunikasi Perawat dan Tingkat Kecemasan Keluarga pada Pasien Yang Dirawat di Unit Perawatan Kritis Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya

Dhian Satya Rachmawati (2024) Hubungan Komunikasi Perawat dan Tingkat Kecemasan Keluarga pada Pasien Yang Dirawat di Unit Perawatan Kritis Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Skripsi thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

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In professional nursing practice, nurse holds most responsibility to family and client. Researches indicate that family has been experienced apprehensive and feeling disorgani::ation when its family member gets to hospital at critical unit care; this is caused them often difficulty cooperates with nurse. Matter that way happened because of communications implementation which was not effective or unfavorable between nurse with patient and itsfamily. This research was aimed to know relation of nursing communications with anxiety level of taken care patient family in crihcal care unit. This research represented Cross Sectional research to nursing communications and anxiety level of family by using cross sectional design, data analyzing used statistical test of spearmen 's • rho with significance level a < 0.05. Research population was patient family which in critical care unit, Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya amounting to 2-+ people. Sample was got according to inclusion criteria amount to 20 responder. Independent variable was nursing communications and variable dependent was anxiety level of family. Data collected by using questioner. Result of research showed there was a relation between nursing communications and anxiety level offamily with value ofp = 0.027 at significance level a < 0.05. The future research was expected more circumstantial research about implementation of nursing communications.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: communications, anxieties, critical care
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology > BF511-593 Emotion, Feeling, Affection
Divisions: 13. Fakultas Keperawatan > S1 Keperawatan
Dhian Satya Rachmawati010130314 -B
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorNursalam, M.Nurs (Hons)0025126601
Thesis advisorAsminarsih ZP., S.KpUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Sulistiorini
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2024 01:44
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2024 01:44
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