Hubungan Pengetahuan Orang Tua Tentang Kep Dengan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pada Balita Di Desa Sooko Kecamatan Sooko Kabupaten Mojokerto

Eko Kurniawan (2024) Hubungan Pengetahuan Orang Tua Tentang Kep Dengan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Pada Balita Di Desa Sooko Kecamatan Sooko Kabupaten Mojokerto. Skripsi thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

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Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is a state of malnutrition caused by low consumption of energy and protein in everyday foods that do not meet the nutritional adequacy figures. That based on data from the clinic Sooko Mojokerto in October of 2010 known children with protein energy malnutrition (PEM) of 10.9%. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between parental knowledge about PEM with supplementary feeding in infants. Design used in this research was non-experimental with the type of analytical of with cross sectional approach. The sample was collected with non-probability sampling (purposive sampling) of 35 samples. While the research instrument using questionnaires. And research result were then presented in table form. The results showed most parents of toddlers have enough knowledge (24 respondents 68,6%), most toddlers parents who have lack support the supplementary feeding in infants as many as 18 respondents (54.1%). The data were analyzed using statistical tests with significance of p = 0.046, which means there is a relationship between knowledge about PEM old war with supplementary feeding in infants. From these results we can conclude that there is a correlation between parental knowledge about PEM with supplementary feeding in infants. Based on these findings, the suggestion that can be given is the need to increase the quality of service to clients, need to be increased the quality of leaming and increased knowledge about nutrition, especially in infants, especially about the PEM so as to improve the nutritional status of children.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM), Knowledge, Supplementary Feeding
Subjects: R Medicine > RT Nursing > RT1-120 Nursing
Divisions: 13. Fakultas Keperawatan > S1 Keperawatan
Eko KurniawanNIM130915193
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
ContributorYuni Sufyanti AriefNIDN0006067802
ContributorSetho HadisuyatmanaNIDN0025058505
Depositing User: Andri Yanti
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2024 03:23
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2024 03:23
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