Sofia Mayasari, -
Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Keluarga Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Stres Pasien Post Stroke Di Ruang Saraf A RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya: Penelitian Pra Experimental.
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One of the efforts to overcome stress in post stroke patients is by providing family social support. Stroke is a major cause of disability that may induce stress. The disability itself makes the patient to become dependent to others, particularly to his/her family, while it is often not easy for the family to accept the condition of the patent. This study was aimed to find the effect of family social support on the reduction of stress level in post-stroke patients treated at Neurological Ward A, Dr Soetomo Hospitsl, Surabaya. This study used pre-experimental design, with size of 13 respondens, recruited using purposive sampling. The independent variable was family social support, and analyzed by means of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance level of a= 0.05. Result revealed that family social support had effect on reduction of stress level (p = 0.001). Before social support was given, stress level in all respondents (100%) was moderate, while after social support was given, the level of stress was mild in (69%) and moderate in (31%). In conclusion, the better the family social support given, the lower the stress level. Further studies are neede concering other factors that may affect success of family social support.
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