Setyo Kurniawan, -
Pengaruh Kecepatan 40 Km/Jam Dengan 60 Km/Jam Pada Ambulance Yang Berjalan Dan Bermanuver Zig-Zag Dijalan Raya Padat Terhadap Parameter Teknis Tindakan CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) Di Unit AGD 118 IRD RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya: Penelitian Pre Experimental.
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Almost all of the pre hospital crew had reported that CPR during transport was more difficult to 'balance. This matter become the problem when the roadway become solid especially at peak hour. Because the ambulance will do zig-zag maneuver to break density of traffic current. The purpose of this observation is to describe the influence of speed 40 km/hour and 60 km/hour on technical indicators of CPR in pre hospital unit ambulances 118, emergency care installation, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Research regard to pre-experimental design. The sampling methode is purposive sampling with totally samples 20 respondences of crews who will do CPR in Laerda/1 ResusciAnne Skillmeter. The independent variable is speed of ambulance with zig-zag manuever, and the dependent variable are technical indicator of CPR. The datas analyzed by Chi square, in significancy degree ~ ~ 0.05. The statistical test result shows speed 40 kmfhour and 60 kmfhour on the roadway which level off in traffic jam tidal volume (a = 1,000), rhitrne of chest compression (a= 0,041), deep of chest compression (a= 0,008). The statistical test result on the surging roadway in traffic jam with same treatment tidal volume (a= 0,205), rhitme of chest compression (a= 0,044), deep of chest compression (a= 0,008). The statistical test result there is significancy to indicators of CPR. It could be conclude that speed 40 kmlhour and 60 kmlhour for ambulance with zig-zag maneuver on the roadway which level off or surging roadway had been effect to technical of CPR except the tidal volume vanable.
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