Ani Winarti, -
Analisis Faktor Persepsi Anak Jalanan Tentang Pola Asuh Orang Tua Di Pondok Rehabilitasi Sosial Anak Wonorejo Surabaya.
Parenting style is an interaction between children and parents for parenting activity. For some street children, they feel that their parenting style don't match as they want, so they choose to live at street. This study was intended to find the correlation between the individual factor, stimulus factor, and environment factor. This study used cross sectional design. The population consist of 20 street children who had parents. Sample, enrolled using purposive sampling. There are 20 street children who stay at Pondok Rehabilitasi Sosial Anak in Surabaya. Data were collected using crosstabulation between the street children perception and parenting style. Results showed that most of respondent had good individual perception (90%), good stimulus (85%), and good environment (100%). There was crosstabulation between individual, stimulus, environment with parenting style is a street children positive perception about otoriter parenting style. In conclusion, the street children has positive perception about otoriter parenting style.
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