Eko Saputri, -
Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pencegahan Keputihan Patologis Pada Remaja Putri Di SMAN 8 Surabaya.
A woman's life was several complaints of illness, one of very disturbingcomplaint that it is fluor albus. Incidence of pathological fluor albus in woman isenough high, especially in adolescent. Some of adolescent had behavior ofpathological fluor albus prevention was bad. The objective of study was to analyzeof the factors that influence the behavior of pathological fluor albus prevention onadolescent in senior high school 8 SurabayaDesign used in this study was cross sectional design. The population was allfemale students in senior high school 8 Surabaya. Total sample was 150 respondents,taken according to inclusion criteria. The independent variable was knowledge,attitude, utilization of health facilities and infrastructure, and the experience offriends or parent. The dependent variable was the behavior of pathological fluoralbus prevention. Data were then analyzed using correlation Spearman's Rho withlevel of significance of :'00,05.Result showed there was influence of knowledge toward the behavior ofpathological fluor albus prevention (p = 0,000), there was influence of attitudetoward the behavior of pathological fluor albus prevention (p = 0,000), there wasinfluence of utilization of health facilities and infrastructure toward the behavior ofpathological fluor albus prevention (p = 0,000) and there was influence of theexperience of friends or parent toward the behavior of pathological fluor albusprevention (p = 0,000).Increased activity and health infrastructure in school so that optimalprevention of pathological fluor albus
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