Perbandingan Efek Physical Exercise (Senam Jantung), Latihan Yoga (Asana Posture & Pranatama Breathing) Serta Modifikasi Senam Jantung Plus Yoga Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah, Frekuensi Nadi Istirahat, Kolesterol Serum dan Perbaikan Kualitas Hidup Pada Penderita Hipertensi Stage 1

Yesiana Dwi Wahyu Werdana, - (2011) Perbandingan Efek Physical Exercise (Senam Jantung), Latihan Yoga (Asana Posture & Pranatama Breathing) Serta Modifikasi Senam Jantung Plus Yoga Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah, Frekuensi Nadi Istirahat, Kolesterol Serum dan Perbaikan Kualitas Hidup Pada Penderita Hipertensi Stage 1. Thesis thesis, Universitas Airlangga.

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ABSTRACT Hypertension is increasing of systolic pressure at least 140 mmHg or dyastolic pressure at least 90 mmHg. Currently management of hypertension in community especially in ruraI area, is still believe in medical treatment without balancing with life style modification. In the beginning survey in Palds Public Health Center of Sawahan Subdistrict of Surabaya on February 2011, resechearer found more than 100 patient with various stage of hypertension, that having been treatment in Palds Public Health Center. The purpose of the study was to compare an effect of physical exercise (heart exercise), yoga exercise (asana posture & pranayama breathing) and modification heart exercise plus yoga to reduce blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol se!UIn and to improve quality of live in hypertension stage I. Design used in this study was Nonequivalent Groups Pre Test-Post test (Two or More Groups). The population was all of patient with hypertension stage 1 in RW IV community of Palds Subdistrict of Surabaya Total sample was 42 respondents, taken according to inclusion criteria The independent variable were physical exercise (heart exercise) and yoga exercise (asana posture and pranayama breathing). The dependent variable were blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol serum and quality of life. Data were collected using sphygmomanometer mercury ABN precision, Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watch, Easy Touch GCU, and questionnaire of quality of life from WHO QoL-BREF. The datas were analyzed by software of SPSS 16 with One Way Anova. Results showed that in modification group occured the reducing of systolic pressure (p = 0,002), dyastolic pressure (p = 0,028), resting heart rate (p = 0,001), cholesterol serum (p = 0,001) and improving quality of life in physic dimer!sion (p = 0,007) and psychology dimension (p = 0,009). Whereas in modification group had no improving in social dimension (p = 0,463), environment dimension (p = 0,690) and the other groups didn't either. It can be concluded that modification of heart exercise plus yoga is more reduce on blood pressure, resting heart rate, cholesterol serum and more improve quality of live in hypertension stage 1, that be compared with physical exercise (heart exercise) only and yoga exercise (asana posture & pranayarna breathing) only.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Physical Exercise; Yoga Exercise; Blood Pressure; Resting Heart Rate; Cholesterol Serum and Quality of Live
Subjects: R Medicine > RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology > Including massage, exercise, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, phototherapy, radiotherapy, thermotherapy, electrotherapy
Divisions: 13. Fakultas Keperawatan > S2 Keperawatan
Yesiana Dwi Wahyu Werdana, -NIM010947030
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorDjoko Santoso, -NIDN0726046101
Thesis advisorKusnanto, -NIDN0029086803
Depositing User: sugiati
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2025 02:54
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2025 02:54
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