Nurhidayah, -
Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Tehnik Relaksasi Pernapasan Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Pasien Infark Miokard Akut (IMA) Di Rsu Dr. Soetomo Surabaya.
Anxiety is a filling of doubt with unclear etiology. Anxiety willstimulated the exretionof adrenalin hormone and cause the increase ofmyocardial oxygen demand, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate andmuscle tone. If it doesn' t managed immediatellythe location of infarction will bebroadened and arrhythmia will occur. One of the efforts to decrease anxiety isperforming respiratory relaxation tehnique.This study used pre-post testcontrol group sample design. Populationwas patients with AcutMyocard Infarct (AMI) who stay in Intensive CardiacCare Unit (ICCU) ward, integrated central operating theatre (GBPT) Or.SoetomoHospital, Surabaya, the samples recruited using consecutive sampling consistingof 18 respondent who met the inclutioncriteria. Data were collected by means of
questinnaireand observation. Independent variable is respiratory relaxationtehnique, dependent variable is anxiety level. Analysis was using t-testindependent sample with significance level p<O,05.
Results showed that respiratory relaxation tehnique intervention todecrease anxiety level did have correlation (p=O,021).This study can be concluded that respiratory relaxation technique intervention has correlation with decrease anxiety level patients.
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