The Analysis of Consumption Practices in Sophie Kinsellas Confessions of a Shopaholic: Circuit of Culture Analysis.

Ronauli Septalusiana Sihombing, 120830201 (2010) The Analysis of Consumption Practices in Sophie Kinsellas Confessions of a Shopaholic: Circuit of Culture Analysis. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.


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This study is an analysis about the consumption practices depicted in the novel Confessions of a Shopaholic written by Sophie Kinsella. Consumption as a part of contemporary culture can work as an ideology working on the character, which can be understood by using the cultural studies approach. In this research, the writer specifically applies the Circuit of Culture suggested by Stuart Hall. Circuit of Culture provides an analysis in the articulation of a number of distinct cultural processes of production, regulation, representation, consumption and identity which are taken up together and cannot be separated in the processes of analyzing a particular object. However, in this research, the writer would like to emphasize more on the consumption part, without neglecting the other moments on the circuit. In the process of analyzing, the writer uses qualitative method by conducting descriptive analysis and explanation throughout events, monologues and dialogues in the novel. The study is also conducted by collecting more information about related issues from sources such as text books, academic journals, articles, library research and Internet as the main electronic source. The study resulted with the following knowledge: consumption is depicted as a pleasurable and meaningful activity, as seen in the main character, Becky. Becky's consumption practices show how the ideology which is working within influences the construction of her identity. In consuming the products, she continues to construct her individual and social identity largely in the context of shopping. Keywords: Consumption, shopping, Circuit of Culture, production, regulation, representation, and identity.

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Additional Information: KKB KK 2 FS.BE 77/10 Sih a
Uncontrolled Keywords: CONSUMPTION-FICTION
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology > BF1-940 Psychology
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology > BF698-698.9 Personality
Divisions: 12. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Sastra Inggris
Ronauli Septalusiana Sihombing, 120830201UNSPECIFIED
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorLina Puryanti, M.HumUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Tn Septian Eko Budianto
Date Deposited: 15 Mar 2011 12:00
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2016 02:53
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