Pengaruh Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Dalam Meningkatkan Kecepatan Epitelialisasi, Jumlah Fibroblas dan Jumlah Neovaskularisasi pada Luka Bakar Derajat Tiga pada Hewan Coba Kelinci New Zealand Jantan

Santi Devina, dr (2016) Pengaruh Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Dalam Meningkatkan Kecepatan Epitelialisasi, Jumlah Fibroblas dan Jumlah Neovaskularisasi pada Luka Bakar Derajat Tiga pada Hewan Coba Kelinci New Zealand Jantan. Thesis thesis, Universitas Airlangga.

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Background : In third degree burn, which loss all skin thickness, epithelialization will run edge to edge only, neither from the bed. Growth factor contained in PRP, should be affecting wound healing, resulted in faster epithelialization and also higher amount of fibroblast and neovascularization. Our aims are to proof that PRP promoting epithelialization speed, fibroblast and neovascularization amount in third degree burn. Material dan Method : Sixteen male rabbits are divided into four groups consisted eachly four rabbits : two treatment groups which PRP applied and control one which SSD applied, subdivided into 5-day and 10-day of treatment. Anesthesized with Ketamin-Xylasine, each rabbit got the burn wound by a contact thermal of a metal plat on its back. In the day of sacrificement, each rabbit had the wound excised in plane of muscle and taken also the surrounded healthy skin. Results : There are no epithelialization found. Fibroblast amount are higher significantly in treatment one, either 5 and 10 day, each p = 0.004 dan p = 0.008 (p<0.05). Neovascularization is found no different. To note, based on researcher’s observation, PRPapplied wound consistently looks to have the collagen more densely than the control one. Keyword : third degree burn, PRP, epithelialization, fibroblast, neovascularization, PRP in burn

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis)
Additional Information: KKA KK PPDS. BPRE. 02-16 Dev p
Uncontrolled Keywords: third degree burn, PRP, epithelialization, fibroblast, neovascularization, PRP in burn
Subjects: R Medicine > RD Surgery > RD92-97.8 Emergency surgery. Wounds and injuries
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Bedah Plastik Rekonstruksi dan Estetik (Spesialis)
Santi Devina, drUNSPECIFIED
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorSitti Rizaliyana, dr., Sp. BP-RE(K)UNSPECIFIED
Thesis advisorMagda R. Hutagalung, dr., Sp. BP-RE(KKF)UNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Tatik Poedjijarti
Date Deposited: 03 May 2017 21:09
Last Modified: 03 May 2017 21:09
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