Wini Prabawanti Marmer, 110610092
Kesejahteraan Psikologis Lansia (Psychological Well Being of Older People)(Studi Kualitatif Pada Lansia di Persekutuan Lansia Gereja Kristen Indonesia Bromo Malang).
The purpose of this study is to make a description of older people psychological well being. Far advance in life experience is a time when people start to feel a lot of functions deterioration, whether physiological,
psychological, even social functions. Ryff define psychological well being as an evaluation result or one’s self-judgment to himself which is an evaluation of his life experiences (Ryff, 1989).
This study uses qualitative research method with intrinsic case study research strategy with descriptive research model with three older people subjects The data analysis result shows that all the three subjects with all their obstacle
and development problems can handle all the trouble if they fulfill their psychological well being dimensions. All the subjects are able to fulfill all related dimensions of their psychological well being. Every subject is able to accept their condition as old people and overcome their bad experience in the past. Subject relation with others also shows good relation and produce positive feeling of the subject to other people
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