KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN OBAT PADA PASIEN LANSIA DENGAN PENYAKIT KRONIS (Studi berdasarkan Adherence to Refill and Medication Scale pada Posyandu Lansia Tejakencana RW 03 Kelurahan Airlangga Kecamatan Gubeng Surabaya)

RULIYANA ZUKHAIRAH, 051211133079 (2017) KEPATUHAN PENGGUNAAN OBAT PADA PASIEN LANSIA DENGAN PENYAKIT KRONIS (Studi berdasarkan Adherence to Refill and Medication Scale pada Posyandu Lansia Tejakencana RW 03 Kelurahan Airlangga Kecamatan Gubeng Surabaya). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Airlangga.

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Medication adherence is an important thing to obtain a specific therapy in improving patients’ quality of life, especially in elderly patients who suffer from chronic diseases caused by decreased physiological, anatomical and biochemical functions. Elderly also undergo memory loss, decreased visual and hearing function which more potential in causing non- adherence. This study aims to determine the medication adherence of elderly patients with chronic diseases based on Adherence to Refills and Medication scale (ARMs) in Posyandu Lansia Tejakencana RW 03, Kelurahan Airlangga, Kecamatan Gubeng, Surabaya. This study was conducted in March until May 2016. The selfreport method with ARMs Questionnaire was used as the adherence measurement method in patients with chronic diseases. 43 respondents were selected based on criteria. The percentage of adherence measurement results show moderate adherence at 95.3% (n = 41), high adherence at 4.7% (n = 2) and none of the respondents have low adherence. To conclude, medication adherence in elderly patients with chronic diseases in Posyandu Lansia Tejakencana RW 03, Kelurahan Airlangga, Kecamatan Gubeng, Surabaya, has moderate levels of adherence.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Additional Information: KKB KK2 FF.Kom.08/17 Zuk k
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adherence, ARMs, chronic diseases, elderly
Subjects: R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica > RS1-441 Pharmacy and materia medica
Divisions: 05. Fakultas Farmasi > Farmasi Komunitas
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorYunita Nita, Dr. , S.Si., M.Pharm., AptUNSPECIFIED
Thesis advisorArie Sulistyarini, S.Si.,M.Pharm.,AptUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Mr Binkol2 2
Date Deposited: 26 Dec 2017 21:16
Last Modified: 26 Dec 2017 21:16
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