Pemberian Inhibitor matriks metalloproteinase pada pasien periodontitis dengan diabetes mellitus

Ernie Maduratna, Setiawawti (2014) Pemberian Inhibitor matriks metalloproteinase pada pasien periodontitis dengan diabetes mellitus. Periodontic Seminar (Perios) . Airlangga University Press, Surabaya. ISBN 786027942826

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Background: Periodontitis and Diabetes Melliws is a common problem in Surabaya. Combina1ion periodontitis and un controlled diabetes mellitus results in rapid destruction of the periodontium and can lead to early tooth loss in the affected individuals. Regenerative therapy, periodontal tissue engineering, and genetic technologies, the future seems promising in regard to options at managing the disease. Before regenerative therapy, scaling root planning and antibiotics to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria combined with host modulation therapy which is enable 10 support regeneration of periodontal tissue. Purpose: This paper attempts to describe the current treatment options before surgical therapy with a suggested protocol for comprehensive management of severe periodontitis patients. Ca se: An 52 years old female with migration and mobility tooth in maxillary anterior region. There's un controlled diabetes mellitus history. On clinical examination we found 6 mm pocket depth, tooth mobility and bleeding on probing 11,12,21,22. For the treatment we have done laboratorium examination, scaling root planing, splinting followed by sistemic antibiotic amoxillin and metronidazole, and inhibitor Matrix Metallo Proteinases (MMPs). Result: Decrease pocket depth and tooth mobilty, bleeding on probing negative, increase alveolar crest in 11,12,27,22. Conc lusion: Therapeutic mechanical scaling and root planning combined with host modulation therapy proves successful repair of periodontal tissue destruction in severe periodontitis patients.

Item Type: Book
Uncontrolled Keywords: Severe Periodontitis, Diabetes Mellitus, Inhibitor MMPs
Subjects: R Medicine
R Medicine > RK Dentistry
Divisions: 02. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Periodontics
Ernie Maduratna, SetiawawtiUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: Rudy Febiyanto
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2018 16:59
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2018 16:59
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