STUDI PENGGUNAAN OBAT DISLIPIDEMIA PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2 (Penelitian dilakukan di Poli Diabetes Unit Rawat Jalan Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya)

AJENG YUKAFIANTY PUTRIE, 050911265 (2013) STUDI PENGGUNAAN OBAT DISLIPIDEMIA PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELLITUS TIPE 2 (Penelitian dilakukan di Poli Diabetes Unit Rawat Jalan Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya). Skripsi thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.


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Patients with type 2 diabetes frequently have dyslipidemia and altered metabolism of lipid. The most common pattern of dyslipidemia in diabetic patients is elevated triglyceride, decreased HDL, and having small dense LDL particles. The presence of lipid abnormalities in patient with diabetes mellitus has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovaskular disease. The high prevalence of multiple drug use combination in patient DM type 2 with dyslipidemia makes this population more vulnerable to drug related problems (DRPs). The aim of this study was to identify drug utilization pattern and analyse either actual or potential DRPs from the use of lipid lowering drugs in patient DM type 2 at Diabetic Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. The study was conducted in March- May 2013. It was cross-sectional study, with observational methode. The result showed that from 96 patient, dyslipidemia is more prevalence in women than men while the age range of most patients were in group of 55- 64 years. Hypertension is the highest complication-comorbid, followed by CVD. Type of lipid lowering drugs used were HMG Co-A reductase inhibitor and fibrates. In this study majority of patients received lipid lowering drugs monotherapy. The incidence of DRPs identified in this study was 4 categories, one patient may experienced more than one DRP, which include: inappropriate drug of choice (12,9%), inappropriate dose (1%), potential drug interactions (38,5%), and patient compliance (6,2%). In conclusion, lipid lowering drugs monotherapy including HMG Co-A reductase inhibitor and fibrates were used to normalize of the lipid profile and drug related problems associated with this lipid lowering drugs were reported.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi)
Additional Information: KKB KK-2 FF.FK 68/13 Put s
Uncontrolled Keywords: DRUG UTILIZATION STUDY
Subjects: R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica > RS200-201 Pharmaceutical dosage forms
Divisions: 05. Fakultas Farmasi > Farmasi Klinis
ContributionNameNIDN / NIDK
Thesis advisorDr. Budi Suprapti, Apt., M.Si, Dr., Apt., M.SiUNSPECIFIED
Depositing User: shiefti dyah alyusi
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2014 12:00
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2016 03:45
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