Belief in a zero-sum game and subjective well-being across 35 countries

Rahkman Ardi (2019) Belief in a zero-sum game and subjective well-being across 35 countries. Current Psychology. pp. 3574-3584. ISSN 3575–3584

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This article presents a short research report on the relationship between perceived antagonism in social relations measured using the Belief in a Zero-Sum Game (BZSG) scale, life satisfaction, and positive and negative affect. Given that individuals who believe that life is like a zero-sum game are likely to perceive their daily interactions with others as unfair, we expected that individuals with high BZSG experience more negative affect and fewer positive one, resulting in a lower satisfaction with life. In addition, we examined whether country-level BZSG may play a moderating role in these associations. Data were collected from student samples (N = 7146) in 35 countries. Multilevel modelling revealed that perceived social antagonism in social relations is negatively associated with satisfaction with life and that this relationship is mediated by both positive and negative affect at the individual level. The relation of individual BZSG and negative affect on satisfaction with life were weaker in societies with higher country-level BZSG, suggesting that the effects of BZSG may be less detrimental in these countries. These findings extend previous knowledge about predictors of life satisfaction and suggest that social beliefs might also be an important factor that influences subjective well-being. The contribution of the study is that the separate treatment of life satisfaction and positive and negative affect may be helpful in many research situations, particularly from a cross-cultural perspective.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Belief in a zero-sum game . Subjective well-being . SWLS . MML
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology > BF1-940 Psychology
Rahkman ArdiNIDN0019058201
Depositing User: Tn Nur Qomari
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2021 08:35
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2022 14:56
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