Maternal and Perinatal Outcome of COVID-19 in Obstetric Cases: 9 Months Experience from East Java Tertiary Referral Hospital

Manggala Pasca Wardhana, - and Erry Gumilar Dachlan, - and Aditiawarman, - and Ernawati, - and Maniora N.C., - and Aditya R., - and Pandu Aditya Harvanda, - and Khanisyah Erza Gumilar, - and Budi Wicaksono, - and Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, - and Agus Sulistyono, - and Hermanto Tri Joewono, - (2021) Maternal and Perinatal Outcome of COVID-19 in Obstetric Cases: 9 Months Experience from East Java Tertiary Referral Hospital. The New Armenian Medical Journal, 15 (3). pp. 39-46. ISSN 18200254

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Background: Covid-19 infection in vulnerable obstetric patients still requires a lot of research, especially in developing countries to help determine the best policy to manage it. Objective: To analyze the characteristic of Covid-19 infection in obstetric patients. Methods: In an East Java tertiary Covid-19 referral hospital, a case control analysis was conducted using medical records on obstetric cases of Covid-19 infection from March until November 2021. Results: Covid-19 was identified in 109 cases (9.3%) from 1170 patients who came to our obstetric room. Majority came in pregnancy state with 76% and had delivered 93.6%. Most patients were asymptomatic (68.8%) with minimal contact history (2.8%). Comorbidity found in 41.3% cases, obesity and hypertension in pregnancy dominated the cases. Symptomatic cases were associated with lower gestational age (p=0,005) and birthweight (p=0,015), low lymphocyte count (p=0,006), abnormal chest X-Ray (p<0,001), intensive care admission (p=0,002) and maternal death (p<0,001), while asymptomatic cases were associated with more reactive antibody test (p=0,002). Conclusion: There were a high number of Covid-19 obstetric cases with the majority asymptomatic and came for delivery. Significantly higher reactive antibody tests in asymptomatic cases may aid Covid-19 identification. Covid-19 symptoms should be given more consideration, because they are linked to a lower gestational age, birth weight, poor clinical parameters, the need for intensive care, and maternal mortality.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: COVID-19, pregnancy, perinatal outcome, obstetrics complications, maternal mortality
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
R Medicine > RG Gynecology and obstetrics
Divisions: 01. Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Kebidanan dan Kandungan
Manggala Pasca Wardhana, -NIDN0020118404
Erry Gumilar Dachlan, -UNSPECIFIED
Aditiawarman, -NIDN8837700016
Ernawati, -NIDN0016077710
Pandu Aditya Harvanda, -UNSPECIFIED
Khanisyah Erza Gumilar, -NIDN0005088405
Budi Wicaksono, -UNSPECIFIED
Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar, -NIDN0018018203
Agus Sulistyono, -NIDN8810800016
Hermanto Tri Joewono, -NIDN8817900016
Depositing User: arys fk
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2021 05:42
Last Modified: 25 Nov 2021 05:42
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