Agnes Anita Palebangan, -
Pengaruh Pemberian Bawang Merah (Allium Cepa L) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Poliklinik Rs Luwuk Banggai Sulawesi Tengah.
Shallot is one of natural resource that can be used to control hyperglycemia in patient with diabetes mellitus type 2 because it contains water soluble fiber, quercetin and allyl propyl disulphide. TIusstudy was aimed to find out the effect of shaUotconsmnption to decrease of blood sugar level of patient with type 2 OM. This study was a pre experiment study, using one group pre post test design. The sample was patient with type 2 OM, taken by purposive sampling according to exclutionand inclutioncriteria. Independent variable was giving of shallot; whereas dependent variable was the decrease of blood glucose level. The data were anaJized using paired T-test with significant level p=O,05 .Results showed that there was an effect of shallot consmnption to decrease of blood glucose level in patient type 2 OM with p=O,OOOIt can be concluded that there was a significant effect of shallot conswnptionto decrease blood sugar level in patient Wit11 type 2 OM. It is suggested that patient wit11 OM type 2 to consmneshallot as an alternative therapy
to decrease blood glucose level combined wit11 appropriate diet and exercise.
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