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Natasya Salsabilla, - and POPY PUSPITASARI, 101511133223 and Dani Nasirul Haqi, - and AINUR ROFIQ, 049715614 and Ratna Dwi Wulandari, - (2022) Analysis of Work Motivation and Work Discipline of Employee at Wiyung Sejahtera Hospital Surabaya. The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 17 (1). pp. 95-105. ISSN 25408836
Dani Nasirul Haqi, - (2010) Studi Tentang Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Dan Fitness To Work Pada Pekerja Di CPU ( Central Processing Unit ) Tambora Total E&P Indonesie. Laporan Magang thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.