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Mahendra Tri Arif Sampurna, - and Kartika Darma Handayani, - and Martono Tri Utomo, - and Dina Angelika, - and Risa Etika, - and Agus Harianto, - and Muhammad Pradhika Mapindra, - and Muhammad Pradhiki Mahindra, - and Ferry Efendi, - and Risma Kerina Kaban, - and Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, - and Visuddho, - and Putu Bagus Dharma Permana, - (2023) Determinants of neonatal deaths in Indonesia: A national survey data analysis of 10,838 newborns. Heliyon, 9 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 24058440
Tintin Sukartini, - and Ferry Efendi, - and NOVITA SURYA PUTRI, - (2022) A phenomenological study to explore patient experience of fluid and dietary restrictions imposed by hemodialysis. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 40 (2). pp. 105-111. ISSN 10620303
Mabda Novalia Istafa, - and Ferry Efendi, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and - (2021) Maternal Healthcare Utilization among Mothers Aged 15-24 Years in Indonesia: a Literature Review. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING, 6 (1). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2656-4602, 2355-3391
Sahrir Ramadhan, - and Tintin Sukartini, - and Ferry Efendi, - and - (2021) Pengalaman Psikososial Penderita Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan Suara Forikes, 12 (1). pp. 103-106. ISSN p-ISSN 2086-3098 e-ISSN 2502-7778
Mabda Novalia Istifa, - and Ferry Efendi, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and Kadar Ramadhan and Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah Adnani, - and Jiun-Yi Wang, - and - and - (2021) Analysis of antenatal care, intranatal care and postnatal care utilization: Findings from the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey . PLoS ONE, 16 (10). pp. 1-13. ISSN 19326203
Nursalam, - and Haris Widodo, - and Erna Dwi Wahyuni, - and Ferry Efendi, - (2020) Development Of Perioperative Care Instruments Based On SDKI SLKI SIKI In Operating Room. Sys Rev Pharm, 11 (6). pp. 1029-1035. ISSN 0976-2779
Maria Inge Lusida, - and Nasronudin Lusida, - and Retno Handajani, - and Lindawati Lusida, - and Ferry Efendi, - and Takako Utsumi, - (2009) Analisis Molekuler Phylogenetic Human Immunodeficincy Virus (HIV) pada Penderita Yang Terinfeksi HiV Di Surabaya Jawa Timur. Laporan Penelitian. LEMBAGA PENELITIAN, SURABAYA. (Unpublished)
Nasronudin, - and Purwaningsih, - and Ferry Efendi, - (2008) Deteksi Dini Kasus Hiv Dan AIDS Di Masyarakat Melalui Konseling Tes Sukarela (Voluntary Counselling Testing/vct) Mobile Pada Kelompok Resiko Tinggi. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
Koko Srimulyo, - and Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto, - and Ferry Efendi, - (2013) Building Integrity Through The Implementation of Achievement Credit System (SKP). Tiri-Integrity Action, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-18666-4-1
Ferry Efendi, - (2005) Studi Komparasi Perilaku Masayrakat Dan Kondisi Lingkungan Pada Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Daerah KLB Dengan Non KLB DI Surabaya. Skripsi thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.