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Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Istiati and Bambang Sumaryono and Ira Arundia and Ririh Setyo Khrisnanthi (2018) Hedyotiscorymbosa (L.) Lamk - The Potential Inhibitor Extract of Oral Cancer Cell Progressivity in Benzopyrene Induced Rattus Novergicus. Journal of International Dental Medical Research, 11 (2). pp. 312-317. ISSN 1309 – 100X
Ni Made Titia Prabandari Iswara and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Istiati (2017) Ekspresi VEGF pada Radang Kronis Mukosa Rongga Mulut Setelah Pemberian Fish Oil Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus). Oral and Maxillofasial Pathology Journal, 4 (1). pp. 6-10.
Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Istiati and Intan Vallentien Dwi Hariati (2018) Expression of IL-1 on Mucosal Cavity’s Chronic Inflammation after Provision of Clarias Batrachus Fish Oil. In: Proceeding Internasional 1st International Conference in one Health (ICOH 2017). Advances in Health Sciences Research (AHSR), pp. 52-57. ISBN 978-94-6252-481-1