Items where Author is "Lilik Maslachah, -"
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Number of items: 28.

Maudika P. Fiorenza, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Dewa Ketut Meles, - and Thomas Valentinus Widiyatno, - and Gandul Atik Yuliani, - and Juliano M. Ntoruru, - and Epy Muhammad Luqman, - (2022) Effect of Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni Jacq.) Extract on the Islet Cells' Number and Blood Glucose Levels of Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rat. International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology, 12 (3). pp. 1004-1008. ISSN 0975-4415

Nizar Bachrudin Prihandono, - and Endang Suprihati, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Poedji Hastutiek, - and Mufasirin, - (2021) Ectoparasite Infestation on Beef Cattle (Bos Indicus)in Kendit Sub District, Situbondo District. Journal of Parasite Science, 5 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN pISSN : 2599‐0993, eISSN : 2656‐5331

David Mohamad Qadafi, - and Poedji Hastutiek, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Endang Suprihati, - and Muhammad Hambal, - (2021) Repellent Effectiveness of Permot Leaf Ethanol Extract (Passiflora foetida Linn.) Against Aedes aegypti Moesquitoes. Journal of Parasites Science, 5 (1). pp. 25-30. ISSN 2599-0993, E ISSN 2656-5331

Renada Gema Himawan, - and Hardany Primarizky, - and Maslichah Mafruchati, - and Nusdianto Triakoso, - and Widjiati, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Arimbi, - (2021) Green Tea Leaves Extract Effect on Histopathology of Mercury Chloride Induced Rat’s Liver. Pollution Research, 40 (1). pp. 326-329. ISSN 0257-8050

Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Adriana Monica Sahidu, - and Andreas Berny Yulianto, - (2021) The potency of Pediococcus pentosaceus incubated with Moringa Oleifera in fermentation process to increase nutrient content of rice bran. Proceeding Internasional The 3rd Conference on Fisheries and Marine Sciences. pp. 1-6.

Lilik Maslachah, - and Lucia Tri Suwanti, - and Hardany Primarizky, - and Thomas Valentinus Widiyatno, - and Dyah Fitria Ratna Kusuma, - and Ridhofajuri Winanda, - and Ryandika Wahyu Prasetyo, - (2020) Histomorphological Studies of the Organs of Malaria Mice Model After Administration Combination of Leaf and Stem Bark Extract of Syzygium cumini with Chloroquine. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (4). pp. 3069-3075. ISSN 0973-9122, E ISSN 0973-9130

Zerlinda Dyah Ayu, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Koesnoto Supranianondo, - and Endang Suprihati, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - and Hani Plumeriastuti, - (2020) Efektivitas Pemberian Nanopartikel Ekstrak Daun Juwet (Syzgium cumini) sebagai Adjuvant terapi terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Pulmo Mencit (Mus musculus) yang Diinfeksi Plasmodium bhergei. Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary, 9 (1). pp. 22-29. ISSN 2302-6820, E-ISSN 2774-9959

Siti Chusnul Cholifah, - and Mochammad Lazuardi, - and Dadik Rahardjo, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Mohammad Sukmanadi, - and Rochmah Kurnijasanti, - (2020) Uji Penetapan Stabilitas Retention Time Megestrole acetate Dalam Eluent Mobile Phase Menggunakan High Performmance Liquid Chromatography. Journal of Basic Medical Veterinary, 9 (1). pp. 37-45. ISSN 2302-6820

Lilik Maslachah, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - and Retno Sri Wahjuni, - and Lita Rakhma Yustinasari, - (2020) Adjuvant Therapy of Syzygium cumini Leaf and Fruit Extract Nanoparticles in Mice (Mus musculus) Infected by Plasmodium berghei. The Indian Veterinary Journal, 97 (2). pp. 33-36. ISSN 0019-6479, E-ISSN: 0974-9365

C. Rahayuningsih, - and Sri Chusniati, - and Didik Handijatno, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and S. Sarudji, - and Rahmi Jened, - (2020) Antifulgal potency agints Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) and its Activity as biosurfactant of WNA 4.1.13 fermented growth of Sediment from mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya. Ecology Environment & Conservation. pp. 182-187. ISSN 0971-765X

A. R. Hidayatullah, - and Rahma Sugihartati, - and Didik Handijatno, - and Sri Chusniati, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and S. Sarudji, - (2020) Isolation of Actinomycetes from mangrove sediments at Ujung Pangkah, Gresik, Indonesia. Ecology Environment & Conservation. pp. 231-237. ISSN 0971-765X

Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, - and Adriana Monica Sahidu, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and A B Yulianto and R Najwan, - (2020) The effect of combination Bifidobacterium sp and Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic on egg yolk cholesterol, HDL, and LDL. In: 2nd International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 441 (012049). IOP Publishing, Surabaya, pp. 1-4.

Akhmad Afi fudin Al-Anshori, - and Diah Ayu Retanti, - and Indah Trilestari, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Hani Plumeriastuti, - (2019) Nano Spray Inhaler Ashitaba Leaf Extract (Angelica keiskei) on Malondialdehyde, Catalase Enzyme Activity and Lung Tissue Damage in Mice Exposed to Cigarette Smoke. Jurnal The Indian Veterinary Journal, 96 (11). pp. 58-61. ISSN 0019-6479, e-ISSN 0974-9365

Akhmad Afi fudin Al-Anshori, - and Diah Ayu Retanti,, - and Indah Trilestar, - and Lilik Maslachah, - and Hani Plumeriastuti, - (2019) Nano Spray Inhaler Ashitaba Leaf Extract (Angelica keiskei) on Malondialdehyde, Catalase Enzyme Activity and Lung Tissue Damage in Mice Exposed to Cigarette Smoke. Indian Veterinary Journal, 96 (11). pp. 58-61. ISSN P-ISSN 0019-6479, E-ISSN 0974-9365

Lilik Maslachah, - and Thomas Valentinus Widiyatno, - and Lita Rakhma Yustinasari, - (2019) Sequestration and Histopathological Changes of the Lung, Kidney and Brain of Mice Infected with Plasmodium berghei that Exposed to Repeated Artemisinin. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 39 (04). pp. 499-504. ISSN 0253-8318, e-ISSN: 2074-776

Lilik Maslachah, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - and Retno Sri Wahyuni, - (2019) Hematologic Changes and Splenic Index on Malaria Mice Models Given Syzygium cumini as an Adjuvant Therapy. Veterinay World, 12 (01). pp. 106-111. ISSN 0972-8988, e-ISSN 2231-0916

Lilik Maslachah, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - (2018) Potency Syzygium cumini L as Adjuvant Therapy on Mice Model Malaria. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 32 (1). pp. 73-80. ISSN 1607-3894, e-ISSN 2071-1255

Lilik Maslachah, - and Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, - and Chairul Anwar Nidom, - and Loeki Enggar Fitri, - (2017) Experimental Models Point Mutations In Plasmodium falciparum pfatpase6 Gene Exposed to Recuring Artemisinin In Vitro. The Veterinary Medicine International Conference (VMIC). pp. 422-435. ISSN 2413-0877

Dwi Gayatri Nurcahyawati, - and Hani Plumeriastuti, - and Lilik Maslachah, - (2017) Protection of Dayak Onion Tuber Extract (Eleutherine palmifolia) Against Kidney Histopathological Appearence of Albino Male Rat Strain Wistar Which was Induced by Alloxan. The Veterinary Medicine International Conference (VMIC). pp. 702-711. ISSN 2413-0877

Lilik Maslachah, - and Thomas Valentinus Widiyatno, - and Lita Rakhma Yustinasari, - and Hani Plumeriastuti, - (2017) Phenotypic Approach Artemisinin Resistance in Malaria Rodent as in Vivo Model. Veterinary World, 10 (7). pp. 790-797. ISSN 0972-8988, e-ISSN 2231-0916

Lilik Maslachah, - and Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, - and Chairul Anwar Nidom, - and Loeki Enggar Fitri, - (2015) Induction of Plasmodium falciparum Strain 2300 Dormant Forms by Artemisinin. Universa Medicina, 34 (1). pp. 25-34. ISSN 1907-3062m e-ISSN 2407-2230

Lilik Maslachah, - and Eddy Soewandojo, - and Mufasirin, - and Yuni Priyandani, - and Loeki Enggar Fitri, - and Didi Candradikusuma, - (2010) Molecular Characterization of pfcrt Gene for Detection Chloroquine Antimalarial Drug Resistance at Clinic Isolates Plasmodium Falciparum. Proceeding International Seminar “Strategies For The Control Prevention of Zoonotic Diseases". pp. 59-62. ISSN 978-602-8967-00-6

Lilik Maslachah, - and Eddy Soewandojo, - and Mufasirin, - and Yuni Priyandani, - (2009) GENOTIPING GEN pfcrt,pfmdr1, pfdhps dan pfdhfr UNTUK DETEKSI RESISTENSI OBAT ANTIMALARIA PADA Plasmodium falciparum ISOLAT KLINIK LOKAL. Laporan Penelitian. Universitas Airlangga. (Unpublished)

Lilik Maslachah, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - and Rochmah Kurnijasanti, - (2008) Hambatan Produksi Reactive Oxygen Species Radikal Superoksida (O2.-) Oleh Antioksidan Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang Menerima Stressor Renjatan Listrik. Media Kedokteran Hewan, 24 (1). pp. 21-26. ISSN 0215-8930

Lilik Maslachah, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - and Rahma Kurniasanti, - (2005) Hambatan Produksi Superoxide (02-) Dan Ekspresi Protein Tumor Nekrosis Faktor Alfa (TNFalfa) Oleh Antioksidan Vitamin E Pada Tikus Putih Yang Menerima Stressor. Laporan Penelitian. FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN HEWAN, SURABAYA.

Lilik Maslachah, - (2004) Laporan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat : Pengolahan Jerami Padi Untuk Mengatasi Kekurangan Pakan Ternak Domba Dl Desa Gejugjati Kecamatan Lekok Kabupaten Pasuruan. Project Report. LEMBAGA PENELITIAN UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Lilik Maslachah, - and Rahmi Sugihartati, - and M. Sukmanadi, - and Thomas V. Widiyanto, - (2004) Potensi Probucol Sebagai Antiaterogenik Pada Tikus Putih Yang Menerima Stressor. Other thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.

Lilik Maslachah, - and Sri Agus Sudjarwo, - and Rahmi Sugihartuti, - (2001) Pengaruh Antioksidan Probucol Terhadap Kadar Malondialdehide (Mda) Dalam Darah Dan Jumlah "Circulating Endothel" Pada Tikus Putih Yang Menerima Stressor. Laporan Penelitian. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Airlangga. (Unpublished)

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