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Cyuzuzo Callixte and Adamu Ayubu and Pudji Lestari and Ndayisaba Daniel and Theresia Indah Budhy S. (2019) Epidemiological Prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica Infections Among the Patients Attending Nyanza District Hospital, Rwanda in 2018. International Journal of Epidemiologic Research, 6 (4). pp. 149-153. ISSN 2383-4366
Agrippine Putricia Asaeli and Anita Yuliati and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Safira Wilda and Imam Silalahi and Demitria Santoso (2019) The Profile of Cross-Linked Chitosan and Collagen Derived-Chicken Shank Scaffold as Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering. Journal of International Dental Medical Research, 12 (1). pp. 6-11. ISSN 1309 – 100X
Anis Irmawati and Santika Rentika Hadi and Abdul Haris and Retno Pudji Rahaju and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Noor Faizah Balqis (2019) The Role Of Continuous Moderate Exercise On HSP70 Expression And Transform Cell Number On Oral Squamous Cell Mus Musculus Injected By Benzopyrene. Pollution Ressearch, 38 (Suppl). S91-S97. ISSN 0257-8050
Dwi Wahyu Indrawati and Elly Munadziroh and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Prasiddha Mahardhika El Fadhlallah (2019) Sponge amnion potential in post tooth extraction wound healing by interleukin‑6 and bone morphogenetic protein‑2 expression analysis:An animal study. Dental Research Journal, 16 (5). pp. 283-288. ISSN 2008-0255
D Fitriani and M.Cahyati and N Prasetyaningrum and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Erni Munadziroh (2018) Acceleration of wound healing with use of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor could be seen by osteopontin expression in Rattus norvegicus post tooth extraction. Journal of Physics Conference Series. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588
Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Edhi Jularso and Diajeng Ratih Wandasari (2018) Expression of HSP-70 In Oral Chronic Inflammation Post-Catfish (Clarias batrachus) Oil Application. Journal of International Dental Medical Research, 11 (2). pp. 591-595. ISSN 1309 – 100X
Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Istiati and Bambang Sumaryono and Ira Arundia and Ririh Setyo Khrisnanthi (2018) Hedyotiscorymbosa (L.) Lamk - The Potential Inhibitor Extract of Oral Cancer Cell Progressivity in Benzopyrene Induced Rattus Novergicus. Journal of International Dental Medical Research, 11 (2). pp. 312-317. ISSN 1309 – 100X
Theresia Indah Budhy S. (2018) Molecular Grading of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas Infected with EBV. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 19. pp. 1793-1796. ISSN 2476762X
Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Bambang Sumaryono and Ketut Suardita and Amelia Putri Rizkita (2017) BMP-2 Expression of Post Tooth Extraction that Catfish Oil Application. The Veterinary Medicine International Conference 2017, 2017. pp. 69-76.
Ira Arundina and Indeswati Diyatri and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Foo Yau Jit (2017) The Effect of Brotowali Stem Extract (Tinospora Crispa) Towards Increasing Number of Lymphocytes in the Healing Process of Traumatic Ulcer on Diabetic Wistar Rat. Journal of International Dental Medical Research, 10 (3). pp. 975-980. ISSN 1309 – 100X
Ni Made Titia Prabandari Iswara and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Istiati (2017) Ekspresi VEGF pada Radang Kronis Mukosa Rongga Mulut Setelah Pemberian Fish Oil Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus). Oral and Maxillofasial Pathology Journal, 4 (1). pp. 6-10.
Valita Aulia Andari and Bambang Sumaryono and Theresia Indah Budhy S. (2017) Perubahan Morfologi Sel Epitel Mukosa Bibir Mencit (Mus musculus) yang Dipapari Asap Rokok Elektrik. Oral and Maxillofasial Pathology Journal, 4 (1). pp. 6-10.
Dwicha Rahma Nuriska Hartono and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Edhi Jularso (2017) The potential effect of Moringa oleifera leaves extract on vascular endothelial growth factor expression in Wistar rat oral cancer cells. Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 52 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 1978-3728
Bayu Indra Sukmana and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and I Gusti Aju Wahju Ardani (2017) The potentiation of Mangifera casturi bark extract on interleukin-1β and bone morphogenic protein-2 expressions during bone remodeling after tooth extraction. Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi), 50 (1). pp. 36-42. ISSN 1978-3728
Ni Luh Desy Ayu Susilahati and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Edhi Jularso (2016) Pemberian Air Minum Alkali terhadap Peningkatan Ekspresi VEGF pada Radang Kronis. Oral and Maxillofasial Pathology Journal, 3 (2). pp. 43-48.
Ratih Ayu Arifah and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Sisca Meida Wati (2016) Pemberian Air Minum Alkali terhadap Peningkatan Jumlah Sel Plasma pada Radang Kronis. Oral and Maxillofasial Pathology Journal, 3 (1). pp. 6-10.
Ira Arundina and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Intan Nirwana and Retno Indrawati and Muhammad Luthfi (2016) Toxicity Test n-Hexane : Ethyl Acetate (3:7) Fraction of Sudamala (Artemisia vulgaris L.). Procedia Chemistry, 18. pp. 174-178. ISSN 1876-6196
lra Arundina and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Intan Nirwana and Retno Indrawati and Muhammad Luthfi (2016) Toxicity Test n-Hexane : Ethyl Acetate (3:7) Fraction of Sudamala(Artemisia vulgaris L.). Procedia Chemistry, 18. pp. 174-178. ISSN 1876-6196
Ira Arundina and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Muhammad Luthfi and Retno Indrawati (2015) Identifikasi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Sudamala (Artemisia vulgaris L.). Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia, 1 (2). pp. 167-171. ISSN 2442-2576
Ira Arundina and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Muhammad Luthfi and Retno Indrawati (2015) Identifikasi Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Sudamala (Artemisia vulgaris L.). Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia, 1 (2). pp. 167-171. ISSN 2460-0164 (print); 2442-2576(online)
Haninda Iffatuz Zahrah and Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Edhi Jularso (2015) Potensi ekstrak etanol kulit batang kayu tengkawang pelepak (shorea seminis) terhadap apoptosis sel kanker rongga mulut pada mencit mus musculus yang diinduksi benzo(a)pyrene. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2 (2). pp. 1-6.
Deny Saputra and Eha Renwi Astuti and Theresia Indah Budhy S. (2012) Apoptosis dan nekrosis sel mukosa rongga mulut akibat radiasi sinar-x dental radiografik konvensional. Dentomaxxilofacial Radiology Dental Journal, 3 (1). pp. 36-40. ISSN 2087-1864
Theresia Indah Budhy S. and Istiati and Intan Vallentien Dwi Hariati (2018) Expression of IL-1 on Mucosal Cavity’s Chronic Inflammation after Provision of Clarias Batrachus Fish Oil. In: Proceeding Internasional 1st International Conference in one Health (ICOH 2017). Advances in Health Sciences Research (AHSR), pp. 52-57. ISBN 978-94-6252-481-1
Theresia Indah Budhy S. (2019) Mengapa Terjadi Kanker. AUP (Airlangga University Pers), Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-473-244-8
Theresia Indah Budhy S. (2000) Pengaruh Ekstrak Teh Hitam Terhadap Peningkatan Ketahanan Imunologik Seluler Sebagai Penghambat Progresivitas Tumor Mukosa Rongga Mulut Mencit Yang Terpapar Benzopirine. Thesis thesis, UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA.