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Saipul Maulana, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Prihartini Widiyanti, - (2023) In silico screening of potential compounds from begonia genus as 3CL protease (3Cl pro) SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors. Journal of Public Health in Africa, 14. pp. 1-6.
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Dwi Fatmawati, - and Siti M. Khoiriah, - and Wenda A. Baqiuddin, - and Hawi Q. Nisa, - and Adinda A. S. Maharupini, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Rice Disi Oktarina, - and Eko Suhartono, - and Ram K. Sahu, - (2022) Antimalarial Activity of Extract and Fractions of Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr. Scientifica, 2022. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2090-908X
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Anisah Mahardiani, - and Nindya T. Putri, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Heny Arwati, - (2022) Toxicological Evaluation and Protective Effects of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Cassia spectabilis DC on Liver and Kidney Function of Plasmodium berghei-Infected Mice. Veterinary Medicine International, 2022. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2090-8113
Andhika Dwi Aristyawan, - and Valentika Fitria Setyaningtyas, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Kornkanok Ingkaninan, - and Suciati, - (2021) In vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of fractions and iso-agelasine C isolated from the marine sponge Agelas nakamurai. Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 26 (2). pp. 279-286. ISSN 2630-6344
Lidya Tumewu, - and Irfan Rayi Pamungkas, - and Hilkatul Ilmi, - and Achmad Fuad Hafid, - and Indah Setyawati Tantular, - and Suciati, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - (2021) The Role of Andrographolide in Andrographis paniculata as a Potential Analgesic for Herbal Medicine based Drug Development. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 14 (12). pp. 6269-6274. ISSN 0974-3618
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Dewi Resty Basuki, - and Heny Arwati, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - (2021) Antiplasmodial activity of Ethanolic extract of Cassia spectabilis DC leaf and its inhibition effect in Heme detoxification. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 21 (1). pp. 71-82. ISSN 2662-7671
Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Humairoh Mahfud, - and Adita Ayu Permanasari, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Achmad Fuad Hafid, - (2019) Synergistic anti-hepatitis C virus activity of Ruta angustifolia extract with NS3 protein inhibitor. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 30 (6). ISSN 2191-0286
Suciati, - and Karma Rabgay, - and Yunda Fachrunniza, - and Tongchai Saesong, - and Tri Aryono Hadi, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Kornkanok Ingkaninan, - (2019) Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Marine Sponges Against Cholinesterase and 5α-Reductase. Malaysian Applied Biology, 48 (3). pp. 77-83. ISSN 0126-8643
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Heny Arwaty, - and Nindya T. Putri, - (2018) Determination Of Effective Dose Of Antimalarial From Cassia Spectabilis Leaf Ethanol Extract In Plasmodium Berghei-Infected Mice. African Journal of Infectious Diseases (AJID), 12 (1S). pp. 110-115. ISSN 2006-0165
Achmad Fuad Hafid, - and Chie Aoki-Utsubo, - and Adita Ayu Permanasari, - and Myrna Adianti, - and Lydia Tumewu, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Sri Puji Astuti W, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Maria Inge Lusida, - and Soetjipto, - and Hak Hotta, - (2018) Antiviral Activity of the dichloromethane extracts from Artocarpus heterophyllus leaver against hepatitis C virus. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 7 (7). pp. 633-639. ISSN 2221-1691
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Nindya Tresiana P, - and Suciati, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Heny Arwaty, - (2016) Aktivitas Penghambatan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Cassia Spectabilis Terhadap Pertumbuhan Plasmodium falciparum dan Plasmodium berghei. Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, 3 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 2406-9388
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Ratno Adji Satyo Y, - (2015) Potensi antimalaria dan pemeriksaan mikroskopik-fitokima daun beberapa tanaman genus cassia. Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, 2 (2). pp. 48-52. ISSN 2406-9388
Wiwied Ekasari, - and Indah ST, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Afraz, - (2014) Aktivitas Antimalaria Fraksi Etil Asetat Daun Johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Plasmodium Falciparum Strain G2300 (Resisten Klorokuin) In Vitro. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Obat Indonesia Planta Husada, 2 (1). pp. 16-19. ISSN 2338-7130
Hiroshi Morita, - and Yuichiro Tomizawa, - and Jun Deguchi, - and Tokio Ishikawa, - and Hiroko Arai, - and Kazumasa Zaima, - and Takahiro Hosoya, - and Yusuke Hirasawa, - and Takayuki Matsumoto, - and Katsuo Kamata, - and Wiwied Ekasari, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Noor Cholies Zaini, - and Toshio Honda, - (2009) Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of cassiarin A as potential antimalarials with vasorelaxant activity. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 17 (24). pp. 8234-8240. ISSN 0968-0896
Shiori Oshimi, - and Jun Deguchi, - and Yusuke Hirasawa, - and Wiwied Ekasari, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Noor Cholies Zaini, - and Osamu Shirota, - and Hiroshi Morita, - (2009) Cassiarins C-E, Antiplasmodial Alkaloids from the Flowers of Cassia siamea. Journal of Natural Products, 72 (10). pp. 1899-1901. ISSN 0163-3864
Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - (2009) EFEK ISOLAT AKTIF ANTIMALARIA DARI ARTHOCARPUS CHAMPEDEN TERHADAP ERITOSIT TERINFEKSI PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM. Jurnal Penelitian Medika Eksakta, 8 (2). pp. 89-93. ISSN 1411-6626
Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Wiwied Ekasari, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Yusuke Hirasawa, - and Hiroshi Morita, - and Noor Cholies Zaini, - (2009) Artopeden A, a New Antiplasmodial Isoprenylated Flavone from Artocarpus champeden. Heterocycles, 79 (1). pp. 1121-1126. ISSN 0385-5414
Lidya Tumewu, - and Evhy Apryani, - and Mei Ria Santi, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - and Adita Ayu Permanasari, - and Myrna Adianti, - and Chie Aoki, - and Aty Widyawaruyanti, - and Achmad Fuad Hafid, - and Maria Inge Lusida, - and Hak Hotta, - (2014) Anti Hepatitis C virus activity screening on Harpullia arborea extracts and isolated compound. In: Proceeding the 1st International Conference on Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga, pp. 165-167. ISBN 978.602-72333.0-0
Retno Widyowati, - and Mangestuti Agil, - and Hening Laswati Putra, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - (2011) Uji Aktivitas Anti-Osteoporosis Dari Barleria Lupulina Dan Kombinasi Latihan Fisik Pada Mencit Untuk Menghambat Peningkatan Ketidakseimbangan Remodeling Tulang. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, SURABAYA.
Herra Studiawan, - and Neny Purwitasari, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - (2010) Ipteks Bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Home Industry UD. Parang Husada, Kediri. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, SURABAYA. (Unpublished)
Sukardiman, - and Hanni Plumeriastuti, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - (2009) Pengembangan Sediaan Obat Herbal Terstandar Campuran Ekstrak Temu Kunci (Kaemperia Pandurata Roxb) Dan Sambiloto(Andrographis Paniculata Ness) Sebagai Kemopreventif Kanker. Laporan Penelitian. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, SURABAYA. (Unpublished)
Edy Setiti Wida Utami, - and Wiwied Ekasari, - and Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni, - and Tutik Sri Wahyuni, - (2009) Produksi Senyawa Antimalaria dari kalus Sonchus Arvensis : Upaya Penanganan Penyakit Inveksi. Laporan Penelitian. LEMBAGA PENELITIAN, Surabaya. (Unpublished)
MENTERI HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA REPUBLIK INDONESIA (2019) Kombinasi fraksi etil asetat daun Cassia siamea Lamk dan artesunat dalam bentuk sediaan terpisah sebagai obat antimalaria. IDP000063006.
MENTERI HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA REPUBLIK INDONESIA (2019) Formula kapsul fraksi etil asetat daun johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) sebagai obat herbal terstandar antimalaria. IDP000055729.