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Alex Kappel Kørup, - and Jens Søndergaard, - and Giancarlo Lucchetti, - and Parameshwaran Ramakrishnan, - and Klaus Baumann, - and Eunmi Lee, - and Eckhard Frick, - and Arndt Büssing, - and Nada A. Alyousefi, - and Azimatul Karimah, - and Esther Schouten, - and Inga Wermuth, - and René Hefti, - and Rocío de Diego-Cordero, - and Maria Cecilia Menegatti-Chequin, - and Niels Christian Hvidt, - (2021) Physicians’ religious/spiritual characteristics and their behavior regarding religiosity and spirituality in clinical practice A meta-analysis of individual participant data. Medicine, 100 (52). pp. 1-10. ISSN 22241182
Destasari Tri Hartanti, - and Yunias Setiawati, - and Dominicus Husada, - and Irwanto, - (2021) Correlation between Adolescents’ Temperament and Internet Addiction Levels in Junior High School in Surabaya, Indonesia. Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 9 (3). pp. 192-201. ISSN 2301-7171
Ina Dewi Ardiyani, - and Yunias Setiawati, - and Yi-Ting Hsieh, - (2021) Education for Parents of Children with Gadget Addiction. Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 9 (3). pp. 221-230. ISSN 2301-7171
Indah Shofie Marwati, - and Lilik Djuari, - and Azimatul Karimah, - (2021) GANGGUAN SPEKTRUM BIPOLAR PADA MAHASISWA DI UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA (STUDI KOMPARATIF PREVALENSI DAN FAKTOR RISIKO). Care: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Kesehatan, 9 (3). pp. 466-479. ISSN 2089-4503
Izzatul Fithriyah, - and Zulfa Zahra, - and Yunias Setiawati, - (2021) Membentuk Parenting Educator untuk Mengatasi Tantrum pada Anak Prasekolah. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 6 (4). pp. 1184-1190. ISSN 25408747
Jeffrey Agung, - and Yunias Setiawati, - and Nining Febriyana, - (2021) Strength Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) Profile of Children with Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Descriptive Study. International Journal of Scientific Advances, 2 (6). pp. 985-989. ISSN 2708-7972
Yunias Setiawati, - (2021) Darurat Cybersexual pada Anak dan Remaja. In: Interdisciplinary Approach to Mental Disorders Across the Lifespan. Elmarkazi, Bali, pp. 108-117. ISBN 978-623-331-074-1
Yunias Setiawati, - and I Gusti Ayu Indah Ardani, - and Royke Tony Kalalo, - (2021) Pengasuhan pada Gangguan Tingkah Laku Anak dengan Metode Child and Family-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CFF-CBT). In: Take the Stigma Away from Mental Health, A Vision Hope. Departemen Psikiatri RSUP Sanglah/FK Universitas Udayana, Bali, pp. 3-10. ISBN 978-623-331-221-2